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Molarity is moles per litre. 0.18 moles divided by 597 x 1000 will give you your answer in molar. 0.18/597*1000 is 0.3015 molar.

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2w ago

To find the molarity, divide the number of moles of solute by the volume of solution in liters. First convert 597 mL to liters (597 mL = 0.597 L). Then divide the moles of ZnCl2 (0.18 moles) by the volume in liters (0.597 L) to get the molarity. Molarity = 0.18 moles / 0.597 L = 0.301 M.

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Q: What is the molarity of 597 mL of a solution that contains 0.18 moles of zinc chloride ZnCl2?
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The formula for zinc chloride is ZnCl2. This compound is made up of one zinc ion and two chloride ions.

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The empirical formula for zinc chloride is ZnCl2. This indicates that there is one zinc atom for every two chlorine atoms in the compound.

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The chemical symbol of zinc chloride is ZnCl2.

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To calculate the molar heat of solution of zinc chloride, we use the heat evolved by dissolving 1 gram of ZnCl2 in water. First, we convert the mass of ZnCl2 to moles using its molar mass of 136.3 g/mol. Then, we divide the heat evolved by the number of moles dissolved to get the molar heat of solution. In this case, the molar heat of solution would be 3.89 kJ/mol.

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What is formula unit of zinc chloride?

The formula unit of zinc chloride is ZnCl2. It represents one zinc atom bonded to two chloride atoms.

What is the formula for ZnCl2?

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