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You need to know the chemical formula of the compound.

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Q: What is the molar mass of a liquid?
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If an insufficient amount of a liquid unknown had been used how would this affect the value of the experimental molar mass?

Using an insufficient amount of a liquid unknown would result in a smaller mass of the unknown substance being measured, leading to a lower calculated molar mass. This is because the lower mass used would yield a smaller quantity of moles, affecting the accuracy of the molar mass determination.

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Vapor condensation in the neck of a beryl type pipet leads to inaccurate measurements due to the presence of water droplets. These droplets can alter the volume of the gas being collected, resulting in a higher reported molar mass than the actual molar mass of the gas. It is important to account for and correct this error in order to obtain accurate results.

What is the molar mass of SiC?

Molar Mass of Carbon + Molar Mass of Silicon = Molar Mass of SiC. 12.0107 + 28.0855 = 40.0962 g / mol.

What is the relationship between molar mass and evaporation rates?

Molar mass and evaporation rates are inversely related. Compounds with higher molar mass generally have lower evaporation rates because the heavier molecules require more energy to overcome intermolecular forces and escape into the gas phase. Conversely, compounds with lower molar mass tend to evaporate more quickly.

What is the molar mass of sulfur?

The molar mass of sulfur is approximately 32.06 grams per mole.

What is the molar mass of the sugar called glucose?

The molar mass of glucose is 180,16 g.

The molar mass of C3H8O2 is?

to find molar mass you add the molar mass of the carbons 3(amu)+ molar mass of the hydrogens 8(amu) to find molar mass you add the molar mass of the carbons 3(amu)+ molar mass of the hydrogens 8(amu)

What is the molar mass of NaCl?

what is the molar mass for NaC1 !!!???!!!???!!!??? --- The molar mass of sodium chloride (NaCl) is 57,958 622 382.

What is the molar mass of CuCl?

The molar mass of CuCl is calculated by adding the atomic masses of copper (Cu) and chlorine (Cl) together. The atomic mass of copper is approximately 63.5 g/mol, and the atomic mass of chlorine is approximately 35.5 g/mol. Therefore, the molar mass of CuCl is approximately 99 g/mol.

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The molar mass of iron is 55.845g per mol. Molar mass is the mass of a given substance divided by its amount of substance.

What is the molar mass of MgS?

The molar mass of MgS (magnesium sulfide) is calculated by adding the atomic masses of magnesium (Mg) and sulfur (S). The atomic mass of Mg is approximately 24.31 g/mol, and S is approximately 32.06 g/mol. Therefore, the molar mass of MgS is approximately 24.31 + 32.06 = 56.37 g/mol.

What is the molar mass of S2Cl2?

The molar mass of S2Cl2, which consists of two sulfur atoms and two chlorine atoms, can be calculated by summing the atomic masses of these elements. The molar mass of S2Cl2 is approximately 135.04 g/mol.