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If it is directional terms superfacial for upper body.

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The medical term meaning pertaining to the neck and arms is "cervicobrachial."

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Q: What is the medical term meaning pertaining to the neck and arms?
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What is the medical term meaning neck pain?

The word you are looking for is "cervical", such as a cervical collar for a sprained neck, or a cervical roll (a neck pillow). Also, "C1, C2, etc." as in cervical 1, etc., for the names of the upper spinal discs. Nuchal refers to the nape of the neck.

What is the word with the prefix cervic meaning pertaining to the neck?

Cervical means pertaining to the neck. Cervicalgia means neck pain.

What is the meaning of cervical?

Of or pertaining to the neck; as, the cervical vertebrae.

What is the medical term meaning sun damage to the neck?

Poikiloderma is the medical term meaning sun damage to the neck.

What is the medical term meaning umbilical cord around the neck?

Nuchal cord is the medical term meaning cord around the neck.

What is the medical term meaning neck of the uterus?

The medical term for the neck of the uterus is the cervix.

What is the medical abbreviation meaning neck?

cerv is short for cervical, which means related to the neck.

What are the medical terms meaning Pertaining to above and below?

superior (the head is superior to the neck)Superior, cephalicSuperior, exemple:Above part of your abdomen is Right and Left Superior QuadrantsUsually epi- or supra- are used to describe something being above something else, as in epigastric or suprarenal.superiorSuperior.

What is a combinig form meaning head?

Cephalo- is the medical terminology combining form meaning head.Cephal- is the medical term meaning head. -cep is a related term meaning the head of a muscle, not the head on top of your neck.

Pertaining to the neck?


What is the Medical term for pertaining to or between the bones of the spine?

There are lots, but "spinal" is a pretty good starting place. "Lumbar", "thoracic", and "cervical" are terms that (might) relate to particular portions of the backbone (roughly speaking the lower back, upper back, and neck respectively). Vertebral means pertaining to one of the bones that comprise the spine.

What is the medical term meaning hardening of the arteries in the neck?

Carotid arteriosclerosis is hardening of the main arteries in the neck.