The liquid that comes out of your bellybutton is typically a mixture of sweat, dead skin cells, and oil produced by glands in the skin. It is usually harmless and can be cleaned with soap and water.
The medical name for a black eye is periorbital hematoma.
It does not get its name from a country, it gets it name from a place in London, England called "Greenwich" which was/is the sight of the great Navel observatory where the work on defining the meridian was undertaken. Of course continental drift means that the current position of the meridian is now slightly to the west of where it was marked in the ground originally (by about 100 m).
The medical term for big hips is "pelvic girdle hypertrophy" or "pelvic enlargement." This can be due to various reasons such as genetics, weight gain, or medical conditions like lipedema.
San Diego Naval Medical Center (CA).
The Navel is another name for Bellybutton.
Navel oranges do.
The scientific name for bellybutton is umbilicus.
If your name is Chuck Norris, then yes.
It is called eyebrow piercing. There is no scientific or medical term other than the generic "body modification."
Umbilical Knot 'Navel' is more common The "Navel" is the area around the "belly button"
vall e butson
The liquid that comes out of your bellybutton is typically a mixture of sweat, dead skin cells, and oil produced by glands in the skin. It is usually harmless and can be cleaned with soap and water.
Prostatectomy refers to the removal of the prostate gland.A resection is when they cut something out, and a resection of the complete prostate gland is called a prostatectomy.1.Prostatectomy.
LST-1069 was the name but im not to sure
the real name of milagring is navel ombelico pusod.
The name of a human body part that is also the name of an orange but spelled differently from the word relating to a navy/navies is "navel" (referring to the belly button). The fruit "navel" orange is spelled the same way but pronounced differently, while the naval/navies term refers to military matters at sea.