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Q: What is the measurement and the units of the earthquakes intensity?
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What is the measurement of how likely an area is to have damaging earthquakes called?

The measurement of how likely an area is to have damaging earthquakes is called seismic hazard. It assesses the probability of ground shaking exceeding a certain intensity within a specific timeframe.

What are the units of measurement in the US?

In the SI system, the basic units aremetre : lengthkilogram : masssecond : timeampere : electric currentkelvin : thermodynamic temperaturemole : amount of substancecandela : luminous intensity.

What does the modified mercalli scale measure?

The Modified Mercalli Intensity scale is used to measure the intensity of an earthquake based on its observed effects on people, buildings, and the natural environment rather than the seismic energy. It provides a qualitative assessment of the shaking and damage caused by an earthquake at a specific location.

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How do you get cm in Microsoft office?

Change the measurement units under Tools and options.Change the measurement units under Tools and options.Change the measurement units under Tools and options.Change the measurement units under Tools and options.Change the measurement units under Tools and options.Change the measurement units under Tools and options.Change the measurement units under Tools and options.Change the measurement units under Tools and options.Change the measurement units under Tools and options.Change the measurement units under Tools and options.Change the measurement units under Tools and options.

Why do value of absorbance have no units?

Absorbance is a dimensionless quantity defined as the logarithm of the ratio of incident light intensity to transmitted light intensity. Since it is a ratio of like quantities (intensities), the units cancel out, leading to a unitless measurement. This makes absorbance a convenient measure for comparing the amount of light absorbed by a substance without being dependent on the specific units of the light intensity.

What is the Rithcher scale?

It measures an Earthquakes intensity

What does the mercallic scale measure?

An earthquakes intensity

What are the units of measurement in SI?

kg - mass seconds - time mole - quantity metre - length Amps - current Kelvin - temperature candela - luminous intensity These are the base units - all other are derived

What scale gives the intensity of earthquakes?

Richter scale is used to measure earthquakes magnitude Shake intensity is measured on the Mercalli scale

Does the Richter scale measure intensity?

The Richter scale measures the magnitude of an earthquake, which is the amount of energy released at the source. It does not measure the intensity or effects of the earthquake at different locations. It is commonly used to compare the size of earthquakes.