The name helium is derived from the Greek word helioswith the meaning of sun.
The meaning of the name Bhasvi in Shona language of the African origin is "hair in the nose?"
The prefix "mono-" is not always written in a molecular compound's name when there is only one atom of the first element in the compound.
The meaning of the name Asinya in Shona language of the African origin is "arrived long ago."
The 'name' meaning of 10 meters is the distance equivalent to approximately 32.81 feet.
There is no name "Mon ya" in Polish, you probably mean "Monia". It is a form of "Monika" - Polish version of "Monica".
Mon etvir is Latin for my husband. Sometimes property in the wife's name is followed by "etvir" and the husband's name, indicating it is joint property.
mon resultat means my result
In Pokémon Black 2, the Name Rater will only permit you to name Pokémon that are rightfully owned to you meaning ones that you caught yourself or a Pokémon that actually hatched from a Pokémon Egg while under your care. Pokémon that are traded to you or Pokémon that you receive via a special Pokémon character distribution cannot be given nicknames.
mon copain - my friend/my mate
my spirit is my love
perhaps you mean - mon avis? - my opinion
my Krystal.
'Mon sucre noir' is French for 'my black sugar'.
"Mon" means mind and "Isha" means desire. So the whole name means "what the mind desires". This is of Indian origin.
"Mon nom" means "my name" in French.
Monie Mon's birth name is Monica Dyson.