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An articulation formed by intervening cartilage; as, the pubic symphysis., The union or coalescence of bones; also, the place of union or coalescence; as, the symphysis of the lower jaw. Cf. Articulation.

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Elizabeth Roberts

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Q: What is the meaning of symphysis?
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What is the medical term meaning above the symphysis pubis?

Suprapubic means above the symphysis pubis.Suprapubic is the word meaning pertaining to above the pubis.region above symphisis pubissuprapubic

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The prefix of symphysis is sy- which means together.

What joins the two os coxae at the anterior junction of these bones?

Symphysis Pubis/ Pubic Symphysis

What is the term for Symphysis?

Symphysis is a term that is used to refer to the fibrocartilaginous fusion between two bones.

What regions of the hip bones articulate to form a symphysis?

Right and left pubic bodies form the symphysis. It is an important part of the hips.

What is the classification of the intervertebral discs and the symphysis pubis?

Intervertebral discs are classified as fibrocartilaginous joints, specifically as symphysis joints due to the presence of a fibrocartilaginous disc between the vertebral bodies. The symphysis pubis is classified as a secondary cartilaginous joint, also known as a symphysis joint, due to the presence of fibrocartilage between the pubic bones.

Name of joint at the pubic symphysis?

The joint at the pubic symphysis is known as a cartilaginous joint. It is a slightly movable joint that is made up of fibrocartilage, providing stability and support for the pelvis.

What type of joint is found at the pubic symphysis?

The pubic symphysis is a cartilaginous joint that is classified as a secondary cartilaginous joint. It is where the two pubic bones meet at the front of the pelvis and is primarily designed to provide stability and support to the pelvis during weight-bearing activities and movement.

Pubic symphysis what kind of joint?

Fibrocartiliginous joint

The anterior portion of the pelvic girdle?

Pubic symphysis

What does not describe the bladder?

The bladder is NOT anterior to the pubis symphysis.