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Charge neutralization refers to a certain state where the net electrical charge of fibers, particles and other solution is cancelled. This is cancelled because of the absorption of the opposite charges.

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1mo ago

Charge neutralization refers to the process of balancing the positive and negative charges in a system, resulting in a net charge of zero. This can occur through the addition of ions of opposite charge to cancel out the existing charges, leading to a stable and electrically neutral system. Charge neutralization is important in various fields, such as chemistry and biochemistry, to maintain overall charge balance.

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Do all neutralization process neutral salts is produce?

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The reaction between acids and alkalis is called a neutralization reaction. This reaction involves the combination of an acid and a base to form water and a salt. The products are neutral in pH, indicating the completion of the reaction.

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When a positive charge and a negative charge come into contact, they will attract each other due to their opposite charges. This attraction can lead to the exchange of electrons between the two charges, resulting in neutralization.

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The result of neutralization reaction is a salt.

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Called an 'acid base' reaction or a 'proton transfer' reaction.Only when a precipitate (of an insoluble salt) is formed, it is called a 'salt formation' reaction.

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Neutralization is a reaction between a base and an acid.

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The products of a neutralization reaction are a salt and water.