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Es una deformación cortante de la corteza terrestre ocurrida durante el periodo Neogeno-Cuaternario. Una parte de las fracturas neotectonicas se encuentran en actividad y todas ellas formaron la morfoestructura del relieve actual. Son fracturas originadas por movimientos de periodicidad media (decenas de millones, millones y centenares de miles de años), por lo que se han expresado en el relieve superficial de la tierra. Estos movimientos y fracturas se pueden estudiar a traves de metodos geomorfologicos pues se han reflejado en los valles fluviales, las terrazas marinas, las superficies de planacion, los sistemas y aparatos karsticos, las cortezas de intemperismo, los suelos, entre otras formas. Estas fallas forman la tectonica de bloques presentandose como fallas normales e inversas de alto buzamiento debido a lo cual su modelo se asocia con un campo de distencion y la manifestacion de la isostasia del planeta. Se han formado por movimientos verticales u oblicuos de alto angulo en el fondo de movimientos horizontales. Un buen ejemplo son las fallas que forman el plano morfotectonico del relieve actual de Cuba.

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4mo ago

A neotectonic fault is a fault in the Earth's crust that has been active relatively recently in geologic terms, typically within the past few million years. These faults are associated with ongoing tectonic activity and can pose a seismic hazard. Studying neotectonic faults helps scientists understand current crustal deformation and earthquake risk in a region.

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Is the Whittier fault left lateral?

Yes, the Whittier fault is a left-lateral strike-slip fault, meaning that the blocks on either side of the fault move horizontally past each other in a left-lateral direction.

Meaning of oftentimes excusing of a fault doth make the fault the worse by the excuse?

This means that frequently making excuses for a fault can actually make the fault seem worse than it is. By avoiding taking responsibility and providing excuses, the fault can become more apparent and less forgivable.

What is the name of the fault line in california?

A Airport Lake Fault Zone Alamo Thrust Arrastre Canyon Narrows Fault Arroyo Parida Fault Arrowhead Fault Ash Hill Fault Avawatz Mountains Fault B Bailey Fault Baker Fault Banning Fault Baseline Fault Bicycle Lake Fault Big Mountain Fault Big Pine Fault Bitter Springs Fault Blackwater Fault Blake Ranch Fault Blue Cut Fault Bowen Ranch Fault Brawley Fault Zone Brawley Seismic Zone Breckenridge Fault Broadwell Lake Fault Brown Mountain Fault Buck Ridge Fault Buena Vista Fault Bullion Fault Burnt Mountain Fault Back to top C Cabrillo Fault Cady Fault Calico Fault Camp Rock Fault Casa Loma Fault Cerro Prieto Fault Chatsworth Fault Chino Fault Clamshell-Sawpit Canyon Fault Clark Fault Clearwater Fault Cleghorn Fault Cleghorn Lake Fault Copper Mountain Fault Coronado Bank Fault Zone Coyote Creek Fault Coyote Lake Fault Crafton Hills Fault Zone Cucamonga Fault Zone D Death Valley Fault Zone Devil's Gulch Fault Dry Creek Thrust Duarte Fault Back to top E Eagle Rock Fault Earthquake Valley Fault El Modeno Fault Elmore Ranch Fault Zone El Paso Fault Elsinore Fault Zone Emerson Fault Etiwanda Avenue Fault Eureka Peak Fault Evey Canyon Fault F Frazier Mountain Thrust Furnace Creek Fault Zone G Galway Lake Fault Garlic Spring Fault Garlock Fault Zone Garnet Hill Fault Gillis Canyon Fault Glen Helen Fault Glen Ivy North Fault Glen Ivy South Fault Goldstone Fault Granite Mountains Fault Zone Grass Valley Fault Gravel Hills Fault Back to top H Harper Fault Zone Harper Lake Fault Helendale Fault Hidalgo Fault Hidden Springs Fault Hollywood Fault Holser Fault Homestead Valley Fault Hosgri Fault Zone Hot Springs Fault (San Jacinto area) Hot Springs Fault (Salton Sea area) Hunter Mountain Fault I Icehouse Canyon Fault Imperial Fault Independence Fault J Javon Canyon Fault Johnson Valley Fault Back to top K Kern Front Fault Kern Gorge Fault Kickapoo Fault Kramer Hills Fault L Laguna Salada Fault Landers Fault La Panza Fault Lavic Lake Fault La Vista Fault Leach Lake Fault Lenwood Fault Leuhman Fault Lion Canyon Fault Little Lake Fault Zone Little Pine Fault Llano Fault Lockhart Fault Lone Pine Fault Long Canyon Fault Los Alamitos Fault Los Alamos Fault Los Osos Fault Zone Ludlow Fault Lytle Creek Fault Back to top M Malibu Coast Fault Manix Fault Mesa - Rincon Creek Fault Mesquite Lake Fault Mill Creek Fault Mint Canyon Fault Mirage Valley Fault Zone Mission Creek Fault Mission Hills Fault Morales Fault Morongo Valley Fault Mt. General Fault Mt. Poso Fault Mule Spring Fault N Newport-Inglewood Fault Zone Newport-Inglewood - Rose Canyon Fault Zone North Branch San Andreas Fault North Frontal Fault Zone (of San Bernardino Mountains) North Lockhart Fault Northridge Hills Fault Northridge Thrust O Oak Ridge Fault Oak View Fault Ocotillo Ridge Fold Old Woman Springs Fault Ord Mountains Fault Owens Valley Fault Zone Owl Lake Fault Ozena Fault Back to top P Palos Verdes Fault Zone Panamint Valley Fault Zone Pelona Fault Peralta Hills Fault Pico Thrust Pine Mountain Fault Pinto Mountain Fault Pipes Canyon Fault Pisgah Fault Pitas Point Fault Pleito Thrust Point Loma Fault Poso Creek Fault Premier Fault R Raymond (or Raymond Hill) Fault Red Hill Fault Red Hills Fault Red Mountain Fault Redondo Canyon Fault Red Pass Lake Fault Rico Fault Rinconada Fault Rodman Fault Rose Canyon Fault Zone Back to top S Salton Creek Fault San Andreas Fault Zone San Antonio Fault San Bernardino Fault San Cayetano Fault San Clemente Fault San Diego Trough Fault Zone San Fernando Fault San Gabriel Fault San Gorgonio Mountain Fault San Gorgonio Pass Fault Zone San Jacinto Fault Zone San Jose Fault San Juan Fault San Rafael Fault Santa Ana Fault (Ojai area) Santa Ana Fault (San Bernardino area) Santa Cruz Island Fault Santa Cruz-Santa Catalina Ridge Fault Zone Santa Monica Fault Santa Rosa Fault Santa Rosa Island Fault Santa Susana Fault Zone Santa Ynez Fault Sierra Juarez Fault Zone Sierra Madre Fault Zone Sierra Nevada Fault Zone Silver Reef Fault Silverwood Lake Fault Simi Fault Sky Hi Ranch Fault Slide Canyon (or Slide Peak) Fault Soda Mountain Fault Soledad Fault South Branch San Andreas Fault South Bristol Mountains Fault South Cuyama Fault South Lockhart Fault South San Antonio Fault Spring Fault Springs Fault Stoddard Canyon Fault Superstition Hills Fault Superstition Mountain Fault Back to top T Tank Canyon Fault Tiefort Mountain Fault Zone Towne Pass Fault Tunnel Ridge Fault V Vasquez Creek Fault Ventura Fault Verdugo Fault Villanova Fault Vincent Thrust W Waterman Canyon Fault West Calico Fault Wheeler Ridge Fault Whittier Fault White Wolf Fault Wienert Fault Wildomar Fault Willard Fault Wilson Canyon Fault Wilson Creek Fault Y Yuha Wells Fault 247 as of November 2010

What are cracks in the earth's surface?

"Fissure" is one word meaning a crack in the surface of the Earth. Others are "fault" and "rift".

What type of fault is rose canyon fault?

It is a strike-slip fault.

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What is the meaning of 'my bad'?

My fault or my mistake

What is the meaning of gpf?

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What is a sentence that showsthe meaning of the word fault?

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What is the antonym of fault?

There are a few different meanings to fault. The antonym of fault as a verb, meaning blame or criticize, is praise. The antonym of fault as a noun, as in a bad part of an argument, is asset. The antonym of fault, meaning imperfection, is perfection or beauty. The antonym of fault as a noun, as in mistake, or "my fault", is good or accuracy.

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No it is not a no fault state. Ohio is a tort state meaning that someone must be found to be at fault in each accident.

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What does Florida no fault mean?

a judge in an American court makes the decision as to who is at fault for an auto accident. some states have "no fault" meaning in an accident all parties involved are given a percentage of the accident's fault

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What is the meaning of flawed?

of Flaw

Another word meaning not your fault?

Another word is I didn't do it! OR She/He did it.

What is the meaning of no fault car insurance?

No fault car insurance is coverage designed to compensate victims of car accidents via their own insurance company, regardless of which driver was in fault.

Is the Whittier fault left lateral?

Yes, the Whittier fault is a left-lateral strike-slip fault, meaning that the blocks on either side of the fault move horizontally past each other in a left-lateral direction.