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1w ago

Tonight's weathering will be predominantly influenced by air movement due to the movement of air from regions of higher pressure to lower pressure. This movement leads to the redistribution of air masses, influencing temperature, humidity, and precipitation patterns in the atmosphere.

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Q: What is the meaning for the weathering tonight will be dominated by air movement that is causedby air moving from areas of high to low pressure?
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What type of weathering occurs due to release of pressure?

Exfoliation weathering occurs due to the release of pressure. This type of weathering involves the peeling away of outer layers of rocks that were formed under high pressure deep within the Earth's crust. As the pressure is released, the rocks expand and crack, leading to the shedding of layers.

What is another name given to pressure release weathering?

onion-skin weathering

Compare and contrast weathering and erosion?

Weathering is the process of breaking down rocks and minerals into smaller pieces through natural processes like water, wind, and temperature changes. Erosion, on the other hand, involves the transportation of these weathered materials by agents such as water, wind, ice, or gravity. While weathering breaks down rocks in place, erosion involves the movement and deposition of the weathered material.

How does a rock change into sedimentary rock?

A sedimentary rock changes into a metamorphic rock when there is heat, pressure, and time. -over a long period of time

What type of mechanical weathering is most common in mountains areas?

Frost wedging is the most common type of mechanical weathering in mountain areas. This process occurs when water seeps into cracks in rocks, freezes, and expands, causing the rock to fragment and break apart over time. The repeated cycles of freezing and thawing in mountain regions accelerate this weathering process.

Is the release of pressure mechanical or chemical weathering?

The release of pressure is a form of mechanical weathering. This process occurs when overlying materials are removed through erosion or due to changes in tectonic forces, causing the underlying rock to expand and crack due to the reduction in pressure.

Which type of weathering occurs due to release of pressure?

The type of weathering that occurs due to the release of pressure is called exfoliation weathering. This process involves the outer layers of rocks peeling away in sheets due to the reduction of pressure on the rock surface.

What factors affect weathering?


What occurs as the results of a rocks exposure to a chemical?

The answer will depend on what the chemical is! A rock exposed to nitrogen, under normal temperature and pressure will be no different from what it would be otherwise!

They contribute to mechanical and chemical weathering?

Weathering refers to the disintegration and decomposition of rocks. Pressure, temperature, acid rain, water, ice and wind all contribute to mechanical and chemical weathering.

What factors can influence the rate of weathering?

Factors that can influence the rate of weathering include climate (temperature and precipitation), type of rock or mineral, presence of vegetation, human activity, and presence of water, as well as the frequency of freeze-thaw cycles and the acidity of the environment.

What are some differences of physical weathering and chemical weathering?

Physical weathering is due to: rocks hitting other rocks causing them to break up from the action of frost and ice the action of wind or waves or running water the action of plants. Chemical weathering changes the composition of the rock and is due to: water dissolving minerals in the rock oxidation of metals in the rock