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They call their hurricanes typhoons.

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Q: What is the massive storms which bring much rain to Asia are called?
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How often do dust storms occur on mars?

A lot of wind storms occur in the Sahara Desert, and in Asia deserts, but wind storms can occur in any hot, dry places that have loose ground.

What is a cyclone called in Asia?

In the Far East, a hurricane is called a typhoon. Hurricanes and typhoons are types of tropical cyclones. In other regions of the world, such as the Caribbean area or parts of the North Atlantic Ocean, these storms are called hurricanes.

Which is the most common natural hazard found in East Asia?

The most common natural hazard in East Asia is typhoons, also known as tropical cyclones. These powerful storms can bring strong winds, heavy rainfall, and storm surges, causing significant damage and posing threats to human life. Southeast Asia is particularly prone to typhoons due to its geographic location.

Where are most tropical storms located?

Tropical storms are known by many names, including hurricanes (North America), cyclones (India) and typhoons (Japan and East Asia). They all occur in a band that lies roughly between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn and despite varying wind speeds are ferocious storms. Some storms can form just outside of the tropics, but in general the distribution (location) of these storms is controlled by the places where sea temperatures rise above 27°C.The highest number of storms does not occur in the Atlantic close to the USA, but in the North Pacific affecting countries such as the Philippines and Japan. This is despite the fact that in the UK we only really get to hear about tropical storms affecting the USA. The most affected area being South East Asia receives an average of 26 storms per year. The least affected area is India where there is an average of 2 tropical storms per year

What continents have had most hurricanes?

The continents that have experienced the most hurricanes are North America and Asia. North America, particularly the United States and Mexico, is affected by a significant number of hurricanes each year, while Asia, including countries like Japan and the Philippines, also experiences a high frequency of typhoons, which are equivalent to hurricanes in other regions.

Related questions

What is a storm that forms near Asia called?

In Asia tropical storms are called "Typhoons".

What is a massive land area called?

A massive land area is called a continent. The continents are North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Antarctica, and Australia.

What kind of tropical storm does Vietnam often encounter?

Vietnam often encounters tropical storms, typhoons, and tropical depressions due to its location in Southeast Asia. These storms can bring heavy rainfall, strong winds, and flooding to the region.

What is a massive land area?

A massive land area is called a continent. The continents are North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Antarctica, and Australia.

Where do hurricanes originate that hit Japan?

The storms that we call hurricanes are called typhoons in the waters near east and southeast Asia. These storms usually originate in the tropical waters of the western Pacfic Ocean.

Where can hurricanes mostly happen?

asia where bad tropical storms

How often do dust storms occur on mars?

A lot of wind storms occur in the Sahara Desert, and in Asia deserts, but wind storms can occur in any hot, dry places that have loose ground.

Are there storms in China?

Yes... Monsoons in fact. That's Why suthwest Asia is called Monsoon Asia

Does Asia farm?

Yes, there are lots of farms all over Asia. It is a massive continent, so they have lots of farming.

What is a cyclone called in Asia?

In the Far East, a hurricane is called a typhoon. Hurricanes and typhoons are types of tropical cyclones. In other regions of the world, such as the Caribbean area or parts of the North Atlantic Ocean, these storms are called hurricanes.

What describes monsoons accurate?

A monsoon features a change in the way winds move and are prevalent in Asia and Africa. They are often accompanied by flooding or storms.

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