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A morula (mulberry) is an early stage in the development of the embryo at which it consists of a solid spherical ball of apparently identical cells. The morula stage is when one of the earliest prenatal diagnostic test can be carried out, by removing a single cell (blastomere) and carrying out genetic diagnosis on its DNA. Each one could develop into a complete animal (or human) since they are genetic the same.

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Q: What is the mass of stem cells produced you the first few days after fertilization called?
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What is the mass of stems cells produced in the first few days after fertilization called?

basal stem cells.

What is the joining of an egg cell and sperm cell is called what?

The joining is called fertilization. The sperm is said to "fertilize" the egg when it enters the egg, producing a zygote, a one cell embryo. It is now a sperm's DNA paired up with the egg's DNA. Then the zygote starts dividing into more cells and is called a blastocyst (a multi-celled embryo) and when the cells start to differentiate it is called a fetus.

The fusion of male gamete cells with female gamete cells are called what?

The fusion of male gamete cells with female gamete cells is called fertilization. This process leads to the formation of a zygote, which is the first cell of a new organism.

What is the mass of stem cells produced in the first few days after ferlization?

blastocyst The most versatile stem cells occur earliest in life. As a fertilized human egg divides, it first becomes a solid ball of cells, the morula. Next, about five days after fertilization, it becomes a hollow ball, the blastocyst. The cells of the outer layer of the blastocyst eventually form part of the placenta.

What is the mass of stem cells produces in the first few days after fertilization called?

A morula (mulberry) is an early stage in the development of the embryo at which it consists of a solid spherical ball of apparently identical cells. The morula stage is when one of the earliest prenatal diagnostic test can be carried out, by removing a single cell (blastomere) and carrying out genetic diagnosis on its DNA. Each one could develop into a complete animal (or human) since they are genetic the same.

Related questions

What is the mass of stems cells produced in the first few days after fertilization called?

basal stem cells.

What is the joining of an egg cell and sperm cell is called what?

The joining is called fertilization. The sperm is said to "fertilize" the egg when it enters the egg, producing a zygote, a one cell embryo. It is now a sperm's DNA paired up with the egg's DNA. Then the zygote starts dividing into more cells and is called a blastocyst (a multi-celled embryo) and when the cells start to differentiate it is called a fetus.

The fusion of male gamete cells with female gamete cells are called what?

The fusion of male gamete cells with female gamete cells is called fertilization. This process leads to the formation of a zygote, which is the first cell of a new organism.

What is the mass of stem cells produced in the first few days after ferlization called?

blastocyst The most versatile stem cells occur earliest in life. As a fertilized human egg divides, it first becomes a solid ball of cells, the morula. Next, about five days after fertilization, it becomes a hollow ball, the blastocyst. The cells of the outer layer of the blastocyst eventually form part of the placenta.

What is the mass of stem cells produced in the first few days after ferlization?

blastocyst The most versatile stem cells occur earliest in life. As a fertilized human egg divides, it first becomes a solid ball of cells, the morula. Next, about five days after fertilization, it becomes a hollow ball, the blastocyst. The cells of the outer layer of the blastocyst eventually form part of the placenta.

What is it called when the egg and sperm combine into one cell?

Well...first of all it is called fertilization. The actual baby at this very early stage is called a zygote.

What is the mass of stem cells produces in the first few days after fertilization called?

A morula (mulberry) is an early stage in the development of the embryo at which it consists of a solid spherical ball of apparently identical cells. The morula stage is when one of the earliest prenatal diagnostic test can be carried out, by removing a single cell (blastomere) and carrying out genetic diagnosis on its DNA. Each one could develop into a complete animal (or human) since they are genetic the same.

Which comes first in the sexual reproduction in plants?

In sexual reproduction of plants, pollen is produced first and then transferred to the stigma on the female reproductive structure of the plant. Fertilization occurs when the pollen grain germinates and grows a pollen tube to deliver sperm cells to the ovule, resulting in seed formation.

How are zygotes produced?

Zygotes are produced when a sperm cell fertilizes an egg cell during sexual reproduction. This process is called fertilization, and it typically occurs in the fallopian tube. The resulting zygote contains a unique combination of genetic material from both parents and is the first stage of development for a new organism.

What are Protein hormones first produced as?

nerve cells

How do cells combine to have a baby?

Cells combine to create a baby through a process called fertilization. During sexual reproduction, a sperm cell from a male and an egg cell from a female join together in a process called fertilization. This forms a zygote, which is the first cell of a new organism. The zygote then undergoes cell division and development to eventually form a baby.

What are the final products of proteins?

In prokaryotic cells, mRNA is directly produced. In eukaryotic cells, the first product is called the primary transcript.