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The Atomic Mass of uranium 238 is 238,050 788 247

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14y ago
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3mo ago

The mass number of uranium-235 is 235, which is the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom of uranium-235.

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15y ago

238 Atomic mass: 238,050 788 247 ± 0,000 002 044 u.a. Atomic number: 92

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13y ago

Mass number: number of protons + number of neutrons

Natural isotopes of uranium are with the mass numbers:

234U: 234 nucleons 235U: 235 nucleons 238U: 238 nucleons

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9y ago

Uranium is a non metallic element. Mass number of it is 238.

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14y ago

The atomic mass of uranium 238 is 238,050 788 247 ± 0,000 002 044.

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14y ago

The atomic mass of the isotope uranium-238 is 238,050 788 247 ± 0,000 002 044 (Audi, Wapstra & Thibault- AME 2003).

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14y ago

it's mass number is 238,02891(3)

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What is the mass number for the element uranium?

The atomic weight of uranium is 238,02891(3) atomic mass units. The mass number is the total number of nucleons (protons an neutrons) in the nucleus; the mass number is different for each isotope: 234U: mass number 234 235U: mass number 235 238U: mass number 238

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Mass number - atomic number equals?

Mass number minus the atomic number equals the number of neutrons. Mass number is the number of particles in an atom that have significant mass. Electrons are assigned a value of 0 since the mass is so much smaller than protons and neutrons. Protons and neutrons are similar in mass and are assigned mass number of 1. The formula for calculating atomic mass atomic mass = # protons + # neutrons.

Why do you subtract the atomic number from the mass number?

We can find atomic mass and mass number in chemical elements. Atomic mass is about weight of the atom. Mass number is about total of neutrons and protons.

Why is the atomic mass number not a whole number?

We can find Atomic Mass and mass number in chemical elements. Atomic mass is about weight of the atom. Mass number is about total of neutrons and protons.