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chemical engineering

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The major that combines physics and chemistry and focuses on scientific research and development is typically called "Physical Chemistry" or "Chemical Physics." Graduates with this background can pursue careers in materials science, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and Nanotechnology, working in research and development, academia, or industry. They may also specialize in areas like spectroscopy, computational chemistry, or surface science.

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Q: What is the major which combines physics and chemistry and deals with scientific research and development and inventions and what are the future careers of it?
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What is the next level of science after chemistry?

The next level after chemistry is typically biochemistry, which is the study of chemical processes and substances that occur within living organisms. Biochemistry combines the principles of chemistry and biology to understand how molecules interact and contribute to life processes.

What two branches of science does biochemistry combine?

its a bit obvious Biology and chemistry (specifically organic chemistry)

In the five major divisions of chemistry which is the most fundamental?

Physical chemistry is considered the most fundamental division of chemistry as it focuses on the study of the physical and chemical properties of matter and the principles that govern their behavior. It combines the principles of physics and chemistry to explain and predict the behavior of matter at the atomic and molecular levels.

What branch of physics and chemistry was developed by physics and chemistry together?

Physical chemistry is the branch of science that involves the application of principles and techniques of physics to the study of chemical systems. It combines elements of both physics and chemistry to understand the physical properties and behavior of matter at the molecular and atomic levels.

Is biotechnology a part of chemistry?

Biotechnology is an interdisciplinary field that combines biology, chemistry, and other sciences to develop products and technologies that improve our lives. While chemistry is an integral component of biotechnology, it also involves techniques and principles from other disciplines such as biology, genetics, and engineering.

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What is the next level of science after chemistry?

The next level after chemistry is typically biochemistry, which is the study of chemical processes and substances that occur within living organisms. Biochemistry combines the principles of chemistry and biology to understand how molecules interact and contribute to life processes.

What two branches of science does biochemistry combine?

its a bit obvious Biology and chemistry (specifically organic chemistry)

A branch of science that combines geology and chemistry?

Geochemistry is the branch of science that combines geology and chemistry. It focuses on understanding the chemical composition and processes of Earth's materials, including rocks, minerals, water, and the atmosphere. Geochemists use principles from both geology and chemistry to study the interactions between Earth's various components.

In the five major divisions of chemistry which is the most fundamental?

Physical chemistry is considered the most fundamental division of chemistry as it focuses on the study of the physical and chemical properties of matter and the principles that govern their behavior. It combines the principles of physics and chemistry to explain and predict the behavior of matter at the atomic and molecular levels.

What branch of physics and chemistry was developed by physics and chemistry together?

Physical chemistry is the branch of science that involves the application of principles and techniques of physics to the study of chemical systems. It combines elements of both physics and chemistry to understand the physical properties and behavior of matter at the molecular and atomic levels.

What Horizontal integration differs from vertical integration in that it?

combines different businesses involved in all phases of a product’s development

What is modern geology?

Modern geology is the study of the Earth's structure, composition, and processes using a variety of scientific techniques and tools. It combines knowledge from various disciplines, including physics, chemistry, and biology, to understand the dynamic nature of the Earth's surface and its interior. Modern geology also plays a crucial role in addressing environmental challenges and natural hazards.

Why is biochemistry an example of an interdisciplinary science?

Biochemistry is interdisciplinary because it combines principles and techniques from both biology and chemistry. It involves the study of chemical processes within and relating to living organisms, making it a bridge between these two scientific disciplines. Understanding biochemistry requires knowledge of both biological systems and chemical reactions.