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The greenhouse effect will eventually result in the earth not being able to support life due to the air not been breathable and due to the future average tempreature of the earth being way too high to sustain life.

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The main result of the greenhouse effect is the warming of Earth's atmosphere due to the trapping of heat by greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane. This leads to temperature increases, changes in weather patterns, and impacts on ecosystems and sea levels.

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Q: What is the main result of the greenhouse effect?
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Are longer days a result of the greenhouse effect?

No, longer days are not a result of the greenhouse effect. The length of the day is determined by the Earth's rotation on its axis, while the greenhouse effect refers to the trapping of heat in the Earth's atmosphere by greenhouse gases.

What natural greenhouses gases are associated with the greenhouses effect?

The main natural greenhouse gases associated with the greenhouse effect are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. These gases trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere, leading to a warming effect on the planet.

What name is given to warming of the earth due to increased levels of carbon dioxide?

The name given to warming of the earth due to increased levels of carbon dioxide is global warming. This is a result of the greenhouse effect, where carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere, leading to a rise in temperature.

Is natural gas the major cause of the greenhouse effect?

Natural gas is a fossil fuel that releases carbon dioxide when burned, contributing to the greenhouse effect. However, it is not the major cause of the greenhouse effect. The main greenhouse gas responsible for global warming is carbon dioxide, with sources including fossil fuels, deforestation, and other human activities.

Is global warming another term for the greenhouse effect?

Global warming refers to the long-term increase in Earth's average surface temperature, primarily due to human activities releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Meanwhile, the greenhouse effect is a natural process where certain gases trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere. Global warming is the result of an enhanced greenhouse effect caused by human activities.

Related questions

What is the main objective of greenhouse effect?

The main objective of the greenhouse effect is to trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere, helping to keep the planet warm enough to support life. This natural process is essential for maintaining Earth's temperature balance. However, human activities have intensified the greenhouse effect by increasing the concentration of greenhouse gases, leading to global warming and climate change.

What are synonyms of the greenhouse effect?

Global warming or climate change.Not exactly. The greenhouse effect is a natural effect that has kept the earth warm enough for life for millions of years.Global warming is the result of the enhanced (or accelerated) greenhouse effect.

What is the main idea of factors affect climate?

The main idea is that various factors such as latitude, altitude, proximity to water bodies, ocean currents, and topography can affect the climate of a region by influencing temperature, precipitation patterns, and overall weather conditions. These factors interact in complex ways to create the different climatic zones we observe on Earth.

What heat is caused by the greenhouse effect?

The greenhouse effect causes an increase in the Earth's average surface temperature by trapping heat energy from the sun in the atmosphere. This trapped heat warms the Earth's surface and leads to climate change.

What is a direct result when the earth's atmosphere traps energy from the sun?

A direct result of the Earth's atmosphere trapping energy from the sun is the warming of the planet, known as the greenhouse effect. This contributes to climate change by increasing global temperatures, leading to effects such as melting ice caps, rising sea levels, and changes in weather patterns.

What is carbon dioxide in the greenhouse effect?

Carbon dioxide is the main greenhouse gas. It also causes global warming.

Is the main atmospheric gas responsible for the greenhouse effect carbon dioxide?

The normal greenhouse effect which keeps the earth warm enough for life is caused largely by water vapour, with a small effect from carbon dioxide and methane.However, the greenhouse gas responsible for the present enhanced greenhouse effect is carbon dioxide, yes.

What is the process by which gases in the atmosphere absorb and reradiate heat?

The process by which gases in the atmosphere absorb and reradiate heat is called the greenhouse effect. Certain gases, such as carbon dioxide and water vapor, trap heat from the sun in the Earth's atmosphere, leading to an overall warming of the planet. This process helps to regulate the Earth's temperature and make it suitable for supporting life.

What are some effects of the greenhouse effect?

There is a greenhouse effect on Earth because three-atomed gases in the atmosphere retain heat and ensure that the earth stays warm. Other examples of a greenhouse effect are the atmospheres of Venus and Mars. Mercury has an atmosphere but has no greenhouse effect, as the main gases (hydrogen, helium and oxygen) are not greenhouse gases. So Mercury is a non-example of the greenhouse effect. The moon is also a non-example, as it has no atmosphere at all.

Is the greenhouse effect always a harmful result of human behavior?

The greenhouse effect itself is a natural process that warms the Earth's surface. However, human activities, such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes, have intensified this effect by increasing greenhouse gas concentrations, resulting in global warming and climate change. So, the enhanced greenhouse effect caused by human behavior is harmful to the environment.

What are some non-examples of the greenhouse effect?

Non-examples of the greenhouse effect would include scenarios where heat-trapping gases are not present in the atmosphere, such as in outer space where there is no atmosphere to trap heat, or in a completely sealed environment where gases cannot escape or trap heat.

What is a sentence with greenhouse effect?

The greenhouse effect is the natural way that the Earth keeps warm. Too many extra greenhouse gases turn the greenhouse effect into an enhanced greenhouse effect. The enhanced, or accelerated, greenhouse effect is causing global warming.