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Q: What is the main point of the futility of global thinking?
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What was the main point in Enlightment thinking?

The main point of Enlightenment thinking was the belief in reason, science, and individual rights. Enlightenment thinkers emphasized the importance of knowledge, skepticism of traditional authority, and the idea that human progress and improvement were achievable through rational thinking.

What was the main point for enlightenment thinking?

The main point of enlightenment thinking was to promote reason, progress, and individual liberty as the foundation of society. Enlightenment thinkers emphasized the importance of questioning traditional authority, promoting intellectual freedom, and advancing scientific knowledge to improve the human condition.

What was the main point of Enlightenmet thinking?

The main point of Enlightenment thinking was to promote reason, progress, and individual freedoms. Enlightenment thinkers sought to challenge traditional authority and promote ideas such as equality, liberty, and tolerance. They believed in the power of human reason to improve society and create a better world.

What was the main point of Enlightenment thinking?

To use reason and logic to explain how the world worked

Is the main cause of the thinning of the ozone layer global warming?

The main cause of thinning is CFC's. Global warming also affects it.

Is global warming the main cause of the thinning of the ozone layer?

Global warming is a cause of the ozone depletion. However it is not the main cause of it.

Who caused global warming?

humans cause global warming, because they are the ones who mainly pollute or use to much hot water, The main point is humans cause global warming

What was the main point of enlightenment thnking?

The main point of Enlightenment thinking was to promote reason, individualism, and progress. It emphasized the importance of questioning traditional authority and superstition in order to advance society through the application of rationality and scientific inquiry.

When was The Main Point created?

The Main Point was created in 1964.

Why do you think there are few women in Parliament?

Most of the them may not be interested, sum may hav family problems and the main point is becoz of stereotype thinking of the citizens of th country

Difference of regular marketing from global marketing?

the main diffenrence of global and regular marketing is scope of activity....

How is the term Global warming used in a sentence?

Global warming is the main cause for our drastic changes in temperature.