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For one, we know there are polar ice caps on mars that consist of ice. Second, there are gorges that show where water once flowed.

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Q: What is the main evidence that water once existed on mars?
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Evidence on Mars such as dried-up riverbeds, mineral deposits that form in the presence of water, and the presence of ice caps suggest that liquid water may have existed on the planet in the past. Additionally, recent discoveries of hydrated minerals on Mars provide further evidence that water played a significant role in the planet's history.

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The robots sent to Mars have found Water Ice in large quantities on the surface of Mars.

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NASA photographs of Mars are the best evidence that water has been flowing on Mars recently. During warmer periods in Mars' atmosphere, the photographs show streaks that look like streams. Scientists agree that this is evidence of water on Mars.

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Is it possible that water once existed on mars?

yes cause it has ice caps