Programmed IO requires the CPU to manually transfer data between a device and memory. The CPU must constantly check the status of the device to determine when data can be transferred. It is a simple and efficient method but can result in high CPU utilization and slow transfer speeds.
1.Programmed IO is the process of IO instruction written in computer program , where Interrupt Initiated IO is done by using interrupt and some special command. 2.The advantage of Interrupt Initiated IO is ,it is a time consuming process than Programmed IO. 3.In Programmed IO technique to transfer data,required constant motoring on peripheral by CPU,once data transfer is initiated, CPU have to wait for next transfer. In Interrupt Initiated IO once data transfer initiated ,CPU execute next program without wasting time and the interface keep monitoring the device. When the interface determines that the device is ready to transfer data, it generate an interrupt request,CPU stop the current task,execute the transferring process,and then return to the previous on-processing task.
The main characteristic of family 18 elements is that they are known as the noble gases. They have a full outer electron shell, making them stable and unreactive. They are colorless, odorless, and tasteless gases at room temperature.
The main characteristic is that they have many cells.
An aquifer is a underground layer of water-bearing rock that holds and transmits groundwater. The main characteristic of an aquifer is its ability to store and supply water to wells and springs.
It is found in nature in its pure form (not as a compound).
1.Programmed IO is the process of IO instruction written in computer program , where Interrupt Initiated IO is done by using interrupt and some special command. 2.The advantage of Interrupt Initiated IO is ,it is a time consuming process than Programmed IO. 3.In Programmed IO technique to transfer data,required constant motoring on peripheral by CPU,once data transfer is initiated, CPU have to wait for next transfer. In Interrupt Initiated IO once data transfer initiated ,CPU execute next program without wasting time and the interface keep monitoring the device. When the interface determines that the device is ready to transfer data, it generate an interrupt request,CPU stop the current task,execute the transferring process,and then return to the previous on-processing task.
It offloads actual IO processing from CPU to the device hardware. This frequently allows the IO device to perform its operations on cycles that the CPU could not have made use of anyway, resulting in a double benefit.
No. The main reason is that radiation levels at Io's surface are very high.
The Roman theatres were heavily inspired by the architecture of the Greeks. There are several characteristics of Roman theatres. These characteristics the foundations, the Roman concrete construction, and the semi-circular design.
The main characteristic is that they have many cells.
The Multi-serial IO card is used to connect modems and other components to the main computer. Hylafax is a commonly used Multi-serial IO card.
Blocking IO: The program will pause and wait until the IO operation is complete before resuming. This technique can lead to inefficiency if there are multiple IO operations. Non-blocking IO: The program continues to run while waiting for the IO operation to complete. This allows for better efficiency when handling multiple IO operations simultaneously. Asynchronous IO: The program initiates the IO operation and continues executing, without waiting for the operation to complete. A callback function is usually provided to handle the result once it is available. This allows for better performance in handling large numbers of IO operations.
Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto.
4 main mon of jupiter are Io,calisto,europa, and Ganimedes.
The defining characteristic of a main sequence star burns hydrogen to helium in its core.
callisto, io ,europa, and ganymede.
they is well hot