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The main cause of death is not the tsunami itself but the buildings that get damaged in the a bridge or building that falls.

The main cause is the water drowning people and building being destroyed. The building may contain people inside it or could crush some people when it falls.

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The main cause of death among tsunami victims is drowning. Tsunamis can produce powerful and fast-moving water currents that can overpower and flood coastal areas, leading to drowning as a result.

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Q: What is the main cause of death amongst tsunami victims?
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Is a tsunami a constructive force?

No, a tsunami is a destructive force. It is a series of powerful ocean waves caused by underwater seismic activity, such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or landslides, that can have devastating impacts on coastal areas.

How many people missing from japan after the tsunami?

As of 16 June 2011 15,372 deaths from the earthquake and tsunami have been confirmed. It is almost impossible to determine what was the cause of death for each individual. See the related link.

What is the death toll for tsunamis?

Tsunamis have caused significant loss of life in the past, with death tolls varying depending on the specific event. For instance, the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami resulted in approximately 230,000 deaths across several countries, while the 2011 Japan tsunami led to around 16,000 deaths. Tsunamis can be devastating due to their sudden impact and the widespread destruction they cause.

What is the death toll of the Banda Aceh Tsunami?

The Banda Aceh Tsunami, which struck on December 26, 2004, resulted in an estimated death toll of around 130,000 to 170,000 people in Banda Aceh and surrounding regions in Indonesia. The tsunami was one of the deadliest natural disasters in recorded history.

Can the death toll of tsunamis be reduced?

Yes, the death toll of tsunamis can be reduced through early warning systems, public education on evacuation procedures, land-use planning in vulnerable areas, and improved infrastructure to withstand tsunami impact. Preparedness and swift response are key in protecting lives during a tsunami event.

Related questions

Why is a tsunami described as a natural disaster?

A tsunami is described as a natural disaster because it is a naturally ocurring event that can cause massive death and destruction.

What were the effects of the tsunami?

1.It's cause of death,and it's a huge wave that can kill you.

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Volcano collapse and tsunami. Hope this helped! =)

When was Victims of Death created?

Victims of Death was created on 1992-09-15.

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The speed that Bubonic Plague overtook its victims and the gruesomeness of the death were particularly frightening, especially when the cause was unknown.

What was the estimated death toll for the 2004 tsunami in Aceh?

The estimated death toll for the monstrous tsunami that hit the Sumatra coastal areas and smaller outlying islands is estimated to be 225,000. The tsunami was caused by an earthquake in the Indian Ocean.

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Amongst the highest causes of death in Ireland are cancer and heart disease.

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Is a tsunami a constructive force?

No, a tsunami is a destructive force. It is a series of powerful ocean waves caused by underwater seismic activity, such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or landslides, that can have devastating impacts on coastal areas.

What was the death of concentration camps victims?

it was when they died

Do leeches cause death or just sickness to human begins?

Leeches can cause both death and sickness. Normally leeches take blood from their host, which can cause an a infection and sometimes death to their victims through the excessive loss of blood (exsanguination). Bacteria can also infect the wound that the leeches expose, especially if polluted water gets into the wound.

What was the damages of the tsunami?

The damages of the tsunami are very powerful. Tsunamis can tower more more/less than 25ft. They can destroy houses and more if it is in their path. Tsunamis can cause a lot of destruction and death and many injuries. Tsunamis can flood villages or cities close to them.