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The magnitude of a galaxy will depend on a lot of factors, luminousity, size and distance from us.

The apparent magnitude of the naked eye galaxies are:

  • Large Magellanic Cloud +0.9
  • Small Magellanic Cloud +2.7
  • Andromeda Galaxy +3.4
  • Triangulum Galaxy +5.7
  • Centaurus A +7.8
  • Bode's Galaxy +7.89
  • Sculptor Galaxy +8.0
  • Messier 83 +8.2
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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 8mo ago

The magnitude of a galaxy is a measure of its brightness as seen from Earth. It is often expressed using the apparent magnitude scale, where smaller values represent brighter objects and larger values represent fainter objects. Magnitudes can also be measured in different wavelengths of light to provide information about the galaxy's properties.

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What is the magnitude of the number 7985345?

Its magnitude is 7985345.Its magnitude is 7985345.Its magnitude is 7985345.Its magnitude is 7985345.

What is a scalar magnitude?

Magnitude means size. The magnitude of 8 is greater than the magnitude of 4. The magnitude of 1023209138109283 is greater than the magnitude of 12. =)) .... enjoyy... =D

What is the magnitude of Altair star?

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