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-22 degrees F

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The lowest recorded dew point in the world is around -92 degrees Fahrenheit (-68 degrees Celsius), which was observed in Antarctica. Dew point is the temperature at which air becomes saturated with moisture, leading to condensation and potentially the formation of dew or frost.

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Q: What is the lowest Dewpoint recorded in the world?
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What is the lowest temp Recorded in Antarctica?

the lowest temperature recorded in Antarctica is -128.6 F

When was the lowest recorded temperature recorded?

The lowest recorded temperature on earth was recorded at the Russian Vostok Station in Antarctica on July 21, 1983.

What weather instrument measures dewpoint?

psychrometera hygrometer would be useful!

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The lowest temperature recorded in Leicester is -16.1°C, which was recorded on 12th December 1981.

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Are temperature and dewpoint related?

Yes, temperature and dewpoint are related. Dewpoint is the temperature at which air becomes saturated with water vapor and begins to condense into liquid. When the temperature equals the dewpoint, the air is saturated and relative humidity is 100%.

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The lowest pressure ever recorded in a storm dubbed a hurricane was 882 millibars in Hurricane Wilma (2005). However, hurricanes in other parts of the world are called by other names (the generic term is tropical cyclone). The lowest pressure recorded in a tropical cyclone was 870 millibars in Typhoon Tip (1979).

What is the lowest temperature recorded?

The lowest ever recorded temperature was recorded at Vostok Station, Antarctica on the 21 July 1983 This temperature was without windchill, and was an amazing -128.6°F / -89.6°C!!!!!!!!!! This is not (not surprisingly) the lowest recorded temperature in an inhabited area. This was:* Lowest world temperature in inhabited area: -90.4° F / -68° C, Oymyakon, Siberia (pop. 4,000), 6 February, 1933 and also at Verkhoyansk, Siberia, 3 January, 1885. Amazing! Don't you think?

What is the lowest ever temperature of Karachi?

the lowest recorded temperature of karachi

What is the lowest rain fall ever recorded?

The lowest rainfall ever recorded was in Arica, Chile, where no measurable rainfall was reported between October 1903 and January 1918, making it the longest recorded dry period in history.

What term refers to the temperature at which the relative humidity is 100?

That would be "dewpoint"...When the air temperature falls to the dewpoint (or dewpoint rises to the air temperature), then you have 100% relative humidity.

What is the lowest recorded temperature in Duluth Minnesota?

The lowest recorded temperature in Duluth, Minnesota is -41°F (-41°C), which occurred on January 2, 1996.