Mount Snowdon is roughly 1085m and 3650 feet in height.
The rock on Mount Snowdon is predominantly volcanic in origin, consisting of rhyolite and tuff formations that were formed during a period of intense volcanic activity around 450 million years ago.
The longitude of Mount Unzen is approximately 130.2856 degrees East.
what is the latitude and longitude for mt shasta
Mount Olympus is located in Greece at approximately 40.0870° N latitude and 22.3586° E longitude.
Mt. Snowdon is 1,085 meters high
An extinct volcano
Mount Snowdon is roughly 1085m and 3650 feet in height.
In Snowdonia National Park, Gwynedd, Wales.
Depends on the weather. Yes, Snowdon does peak out above the clouds farely frequently, but not all the time.
Mt. Kilauea longitude is-155.29 and its latitude is 19.42
Mid Wales
cold windy scary and bumpy
Miniature fire-breathing dragons reside within the interior of Mt Snowdon. They are a protected species, the larger ones having been driven to extinction by humans.
Same reason as anyone climbs any mountain - because it's there and to prove that they can.
The rock on Mount Snowdon is predominantly volcanic in origin, consisting of rhyolite and tuff formations that were formed during a period of intense volcanic activity around 450 million years ago.
The longitude of Mount Unzen is approximately 130.2856 degrees East.