At any place between the equator and 23.5 degrees south latitude, there are two
longest days of the year. One is a day between September 21 and December 21,
depending on the latitude, and the other one is the same number of days after
December 21 that the first one is before it. The days are of equal length.
At any place between 23.5 and 66.5 degrees south latitude, the longest day is December 21.
At any place farther than 66.5 degrees south latitude, the longest day is somewhere
between 24 hours and six months long, depending on the latitude, so it hits more than
one date. December 21 is the middle of it.
South of the Equator the longest daylight is 24 hours at the South Pole. This occurs on the 21st/22nd December.
In the Southern Hemisphere the seasons and the daylight hours are opposite to the Northern Hemisphere.
Day and night varies throughout the year depending on the angle of the sun and the axis of the earth. The further you are from the equator the greater the differences. If you live on the equator the difference is virtually nil.
it is the south
The answer is (3). There is a small area of South America that is north of the Equator, the major part is south of the Equator.
3. Both North and South of the equator
The Equator is the longest line of latitude and it is at 0 degrees latitude.
The longest day in locations south of the equator is either December 21 or December 22 depending on the year.
It depends on your latitude, i.e., how far north or south of the equator you live. If you are sufficiently far north (or south), it can be up to 24 hours.
The longest line of latitude is the equator, which divides the world into the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere.
The longest parallel on Earth's surface is the equator, which circles the planet halfway between the North and South Poles at a latitude of 0 degrees.
Most of South America is south of the equator.South of the equator
North of the Equator it's the shortest day, South of the Equator it's the longest day.(of the year that is.) It is called Winter Solstice and in ancient (and modern) paganism it is considered a Sabbath, a holy day. IT is the day that many believe the Sun Child returns to the earth and the days start to grow longer.
The nile River is the longest river in the world. It has its origins in Burundi, south of the equator.
The Amazon River is not the longest river The Nile river is.
If you are north of the equator, it's on December 22 or 23. Â If you are south of the equator, it's on June 21 or 22.
Equator is the longest latitude.
20 December
The longest night of the year is called the Winter Solstice.However, it is worth noting that at latitudes of higher than 66.5 degrees north or south that there may be more than one day of 24-hour darkness in a year, meaning that the night of the Winter Solstice may not be the longest night of the year, just one of the longest nights of the year. Conversely, on the equator, all days and nights are exactly 12 hours each, so technically, there is no longest night on the equator.