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Q: What is the long thin fiber stretching from the cell body called?
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What is the area of a chromosome pair that attatches to a fiber stretching across the cell during cell division?

The area of a chromosome pair that attaches to a fiber stretching across the cell during cell division is called the centromere. The centromere plays a crucial role in ensuring equal distribution of genetic material to daughter cells during cell division, as it serves as the attachment point for spindle fibers that assist in separating the chromosomes.

What do you call the slender nerve fiber?

The slender nerve fiber is called an axon. It is the long, slender projection of a nerve cell that transmits electrical impulses away from the cell body to other neurons, muscles, or glands.

What are all muscle cells called?

A single muscle cell is called a muscle fiber.

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Each muscle fiber is also called a?

Each muscle fiber is also called a myofiber.

What do you call slender nerve fiber?

denorites axon cell body

Can a nerve fiber survive without its cell or its axon?

No, a nerve fiber cannot survive without its cell body or axon. The cell body provides nutrients and support to the axon, while the axon is responsible for transmitting signals. Without either of these components, the nerve fiber would no longer function.

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What does stretching a myocardial cell cause the cell to do?

Stretching a myocardial cell (heart cell) can lead to an increase in the force of contraction, a phenomenon known as the Frank-Starling mechanism. This mechanism ensures that the heart pumps out an appropriate volume of blood with each beat by adjusting the strength of contractions based on the volume of blood returning to the heart.

Microscopic fiber that carries the nervous impulse along nerve cell?

The microscopic fiber that carries the nervous impulse along a nerve cell is called an axon. Axons are the long, slender projections of a nerve cell that transmit electrical signals to other cells in the body. They are covered by a myelin sheath, which helps to speed up the transmission of impulses.

What is a cell membrane of a muscle fiber called?

what is the plasma membrane of the muscle cell

Microscopic fiber that carries the nervous impulse along a nerve cell?

The microscopic fiber that carries the nervous impulse along a nerve cell is called an axon. Axons are long, slender projections of a nerve cell that transmit electrical signals away from the cell body to other neurons, muscles, or glands. These signals, known as action potentials, travel down the axon through a process called depolarization and repolarization.