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Q: What is the limit on carbon dating?
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Can carbon 14 be used in dating organic substances from precambrian time?

no. 50,000 years is the upper limit for using it for dating.

What statement describes why the radiocarbon dating has a upward limit of 50000 years?

Radiocarbon dating has an upward limit of 50,000 years because of the half-life of carbon-14, which is about 5,730 years. After this time, there is very little carbon-14 left to measure accurately. Beyond 50,000 years, other radiometric dating methods, such as uranium-lead dating, are used to determine the age of geological samples.

What type of fossil dating uses half life to determine age?

Radiocarbon dating is a technique that uses the decay of carbon-14.

What is radioisotope carbon dating?

Carbon 14 is the isotope that is used for carbon dating.

Are carbon dating and radiocarbon dating the same?

Yes, carbon dating and radiocarbon dating refer to the same method of dating archaeological objects by measuring the decay of the isotope carbon-14.

What is the antonym of carbon dating?

Either non-carbon dating, if that's what you mean, or nothing. But technically, there is no real antonym of "carbon dating".

What is the dating limit in Arkansas?

There are no age limits for dating.

What kind of dating is Carbon-14 an example of?

Carbon-14 is an example of radioactive dating.

What is another name for carbon dating?

It can be known as 'Radiocarbon dating' or 'Carbo-14 dating'.

How do you figure out the age of a meteorite?

Radio-Carbon Dating of C-14 carbon dating.

Can you use carbon dating on diamonds?

No. Carbon dating only works on organic matter.

Who invented the carbon dating?

willard libby invented carbon dating in early 1950's.