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Pumice is the lightest type of rock. It is formed from lava that is full of gas, which creates a frothy texture that allows it to float on water.

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Q: What is the lightest type of rock?
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What is the lightest rock in the world?

The lightest rock in the world is pumice. Pumice is a type of volcanic rock that is formed when lava with high water and gas content is rapidly cooled. It is so light that it can float on water.

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The lightest rock on Earth is pumice, which typically has a weight of around 0.25 to 0.6 grams per cubic centimeter.

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Is volcanic rock heavy?

Not necessarily. It canbe as heavy as ordinary rock, or much ligher. The lightest rock on earth, pumice, is a volcanic rock. It is light enough to float in water.

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The worlds lightest airplane is I believe the ultralight. Now ultralight aircrafts come in many different shapes and sizes but they are the "Family" of the lightest planes. To see what they look like, go to and type in pictures of ultralight planes.

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The opposite of lightest is heaviest.