Spleen and stomach
The right and left hypochondriac regions are located under the ribs.
* 1) Umbilical Region 2) Epigastric Region 3) Hypogastric Region4) Right and Left Hypochondriac Regions 5) Right and Left Lumbar Regions 6) Right and Left Inguinal Regions
The region closest to the sternum is the epigastric region. It is located in the upper middle portion of the abdomen, just below the sternum and between the right and left hypochondriac regions.
The liver fills most of the right hypochondriac and epigastric region of the abdomen.
Located in the Right Hypochondriac region, there are liver and gallbladder. In the Left Hypochondriac region, there are spleen and diaphragm.
Organs found in the left hypochondriac region include the spleen, part of the stomach, part of the colon, and the left kidney.
Located in the right and left hypochondriac region.
Spleen and stomach
The epigastric region is superior to the lumbar region. It is located between the thoracic cage and the umbilical region on the abdomen.
Located in the right and left hypochondriac region.
The right and left hypochondriac regions are two of the nine abdominal regions. These regions lie bilaterally just superior to the subcostal margin to the 8th or 9th coastal cartilage. The spleen is in the left hypochondriac region the liver is in the right.
Hypochondriac Region
The Abdominal Cavity is divided into 4 or 9 regions with the body in anatomical position. 4 regions: Right Upper Quadrant Left Upper Quadrant Right Lower Quadrant and Left lower Quadrant 9 Regions: Right Hypochondriac Region - Epigastic Region - Left Hypochondriac Region Right Lumbar Region - Umbilical Region - Left Lumbar Region Right iliac region - hypo gastric region - left iliac region
The liver is a very large abdominal organ. It is found primarily in the right hypochondriac and epigastric regions, but parts can also be found in the left hypochondriac and left flank regions.
The Upper Abdomen Region 1 is known as the right hypochondriac region. This area is home to organs such as the liver, gallbladder, right kidney, and small intestine. Region 2 is known as the epigastric region. Here, we have the stomach, liver, and the pancreas
Right Hypochondriac