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crust and mantle

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1mo ago

Volcanoes occur in the Earth's crust, specifically at tectonic plate boundaries where magma rises to the surface through cracks and weak points in the crust. This process can happen at divergent, convergent, and transform plate boundaries.

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Q: What is the layer of the earth where volcanoes occur?
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Do volcanoes occur randomly over Earth's surface?

Volcanoes do not occur randomly over Earth's surface. They occur along the located mark of plate boundaries.

What layer of earth causes volcanoes?

The very center

Can volcanoes occur underwater?

Yes and a great many of the earth's volcanoes are underwater.

The surface of the earth starts with g?

The surface of the earth is called the geosphere, which includes the solid outer layer known as the lithosphere. This layer is composed of the crust and upper mantle and is where geological processes like volcanoes and earthquakes occur.

Why do volcanoes occur at conservative plate margins?

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What earth crust?

The crust is the upper layer of the earth. It is where the movement of plates occur due to which earthquakes occur. The Earth's crust is a thin layer of rock, like skin on an apple.

What is the name of the layer of earth where volcanoes form?

Volcanoes form in the lithosphere, specifically in the layer known as the asthenosphere. This layer is located beneath the Earth's crust and consists of partially molten rock that allows for the movement of tectonic plates and the formation of volcanic activity.

In which layer of the atomphere does most layer occur?

Most weather phenomena occur in the troposphere, which is the lowest layer of the Earth's atmosphere, extending up to about 10-15 kilometers from the Earth's surface. This layer is where clouds, precipitation, and most of the Earth's weather systems are located.

What layer of the earth causes volcanoes?

Volcanoes are primarily caused by activity in the Earth's mantle, which is the layer located beneath the crust. Magma, which is molten rock beneath the Earth's surface, can rise through cracks in the crust, leading to volcanic eruptions. The movement of tectonic plates can also play a role in the formation of volcanoes.

Where do volcanoes happpen?

Volcanic eruptions occur only in certain places and do not occur randomly. That's because the Earth's outermost shell -- the lithosphere -- is broken into a series of slabs known as lithospheric ortectonic plates. These plates are rigid, but they float on the hotter, softer layer in the Earth's mantle. There are 16 major plates. As the plates move about, they spread apart, collide, or slide past each other. Volcanoes occur most frequently at plate boundaries.

What layer of the earth makes up these plates and on what layer does this occur?

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