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The farthest north latitude is 90° North. It is a single point, called the 'north pole'.

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Q: What is the latitude line furthest to the north called and what is the measurement?
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What the furthest point north on the Earth is called?

The point furthest north on the earth's surface is the point at 90 degrees north latitude, popularly referred to as the "north pole". The point furthest south on the earth's surface is the point at 90 degrees south latitude, popularly referred to as the "south pole".

Which is Furthest north Bangor Maine or Aberdeen Scotland?

Aberdeen is furthest North at 57.10 N. Bangor is latitude 44.50 N

A country you with latitude measurement of 50 degrees north lies within the?

A country with a latitude measurement of 50 degrees north lies within the northern hemisphere.

What is 90 degree latitude called?

The 90 degree latitude is called the North Pole when it is at 90 degrees north latitude, or the South Pole when it is at 90 degrees south latitude.

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Russia is the country that is second furthest from the equator, with its northernmost point located at a latitude of around 81 degrees north.

What is the measurement of distance north or south of the prime meridian?

Latitude is the measurement of distance north or south of the Equator. Longitude is the measurement of distance east or west of the prime meridian.

What is a measurement based on distance north or south of the equator called?

The "latitude" of any place is the angle on the Earth's surface between that placeand the equator. That angle is the basic measurement, and the distance can becalculated from it.

What is the point furthest north?

The geographic North Pole is the point furthest north on Earth. It is located at 90 degrees north latitude.

What does latitude measure?

Latitude measure North to South. This is a much more appropriate answer. Latitude measures the angle between your horizon and a polar star. Which in turn provides a measurement in degrees north or south of the Equator.

What is the furthest north latitude?

The largest possible latitudes are 90 degrees north (the north pole) and 90 degrees south (the south pole).The largest possible longitudes are 180 degrees east and 180 degrees west.Both of those longitudes are the same line ... the International Date Line,which runs down the middle of the Pacific ocean.

Distance north or south measured in degrees is called what?

Distance north or south measured in degrees is called latitude.

What is the name of the line that goes across the map from west to east?

east and west hemisphere