its a very unspecific and you can't really find the latitude of a country but you wanted to know the latitude and longitude lines of say Beijing than that would be possible here's a link for a map of China if you want to find the latitude and longitude of some of the cities,r:2,s:0&tx=61&ty=43
Hong Kong is located approximately 1,552 miles north of the equator. It lies just south of the Tropic of Cancer.
No. Tokyo is one hour ahead of Hong Kong. 10 AM Hong Kong time = 11 AM Tokyo time.
A set of coordinates represents one single point on Earth, so it's not possible for a whole country to be right there. That point is on the northwest coast of Qatar, about 60 miles northwest of Doha.
The Geotechnical Engineering Office of Hong Kong.
Hong Kong is 15 hours ahead of Calgary, Canada.
Hong Kong can be found at latitude 22.381, longitude 114.137.22 15 N, 114 10 E
Hong Kong is located in China on the continent of Asia. The latitude and longitude of Hong Kong is 22 degrees north and 114 degrees east.
Hong Kong is located just south of the Equator, or the great circle.
the latitude is 600.5 and longtitude is 100.2
hong kong, china
Your physical position on the surface of the earth !
Hong Kong is located approximately 1,552 miles north of the equator. It lies just south of the Tropic of Cancer.
Hong Kong DollarsThe Hong Kong Dollar or HKD.Hong Kong Dollars.
Hong Kong is a city in China, which is on the continent of Asia.
Hong Kong uses its own currency, The Hong Kong Dollar. It is accepted all over Hong Kong, The New Territories and Macau.Hong Kong Dollars
The latitude and longitude of Poland is 52º 00' N and 20º 00' E.
hong kong