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The Atomium is located at a latitude of 50.8951° N and a longitude of 4.3417° E in Brussels, Belgium.
Is 23 a longitude or a latitude
The Matterhorn is located at approximately 45.9763° N latitude and 7.6586° E longitude.
The Latitude and Longitude of Gotland is about: 19E and 57N.
The longitude of the Tower of London is -0.0781, and the latitude is 51.5081.
The latitude and longitude of Milford, CT are approximately 41.2204° N latitude and 73.0562° W longitude.
What is the latitude and longitude for kremlin?
Is 23 a longitude or a latitude
latitude longitude utrecht
Your ISP knows its own latitude and longitude. Your latitude and longitude is assumed to be the same as your ISP.
234 latitude and 690 longitude
3200 is the latitude,5300 is the longitude
latitude and longitude are spelled differently
Latitude: 41.90 Longitude: 87.65
what is the longitude and latitude of lexington
Latitude: 9.076479° Longitude: 7.398574°
Latitude: 36.850769°, Longitude: -76.285873°
Latitude: -37.813628° Longitude: 144.963058°