Lake Tana is located in Ethiopia, with approximate coordinates of 12.6 degrees North latitude and 37.3 degrees East longitude.
The latitude and longitude of the western tip of Lake Superior is approximately 47.7°N latitude and 90.9°W longitude.
Bear Lake: 42.000873, -111.333815
The latitude of Lake Baikal is approximately 53.5 degrees north, and the longitude is around 108 degrees east.
Latitude: N 43° 38' 27.0447" Longitude: W 77° 48' 50.2736"
The Great Slave Lake is located in Canada's Northwest Territories, with approximate coordinates of 62.5° N latitude and 117.5° W longitude.
The latitude and longitude of the western tip of Lake Superior is approximately 47.7°N latitude and 90.9°W longitude.
Latitude: N 47° 50.382501' Longitude: W 87° 12.436556'
Latitude: S 33° 59.02083' Longitude: E 141° 16.408081'
Bear Lake: 42.000873, -111.333815
The latitude of Lake Baikal is approximately 53.5 degrees north, and the longitude is around 108 degrees east.
37.089267, -111.242428
43.741497, -77.825804
Latitude: S 1° 5' 15.0676", Longitude: E 32° 54' 57.8485"
Latitude: N 47° 35' 29.1501", Longitude: W 87° 13' 45.7874"
Latitude: N 42° 4' 0.7867"Longitude: W 81° 20' 23.789"
Latitude: N 43° 27' 0.3618" | Longitude: W 87° 13' 19.2673"
Latitude: S 15° 48' 2.4363", Longitude: W 69° 23' 7.2269"