The Ala-Archa Gorge in Kyrgyzstan is located at approximately 42.6333° N latitude and 74.4667° E longitude.
Is 23 a longitude or a latitude
The Matterhorn is located at approximately 45.9763° N latitude and 7.6586° E longitude.
The Latitude and Longitude of Gotland is about: 19E and 57N.
The longitude of the Tower of London is -0.0781, and the latitude is 51.5081.
The Ala-Archa Gorge in Kyrgyzstan is located at approximately 42.6333° N latitude and 74.4667° E longitude.
The Leakeys
It is in Africa.
Olduvai is located in northern Tanzania. Hadar is a village in Ethiopia.
The Nutcracker Man.
Tanzania .
It is the Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania.
ottoman empire
Olduvai Gorge
Olduvai Gorge
professor leakey