North America is a continent, and its latitude and longitude coordinates vary depending on the specific location. Generally, North America is located between approximately 7° N and 83° N latitude, and 56° W and 169° W longitude.
There is no capital city located at 59 degrees north latitude and 18 degrees east longitude in North America.
64.13° north latitude 21.92° west longitude
Mount McKinley in Alaska's Denali National Park and Preserve is the highest mountain in North America. The latitude of Mount McKinley is 63 degrees, 4 minutes, and 10 seconds North. The longitude of Mount McKinley is 151 degrees, 27 seconds West.
The latitude and longitude of the port city is 60 degrees north, 24 degrees east.
north america
What 2 lines of latitude cross north American
63 North, 151 West
america and mexico
That's Hudson Lake, in Canada.
South america extends from about 13 degree N latitude in the north 55 degree S latitude in the south 35 degree W longitude in the east to 81 degree W in the west
USA, North America
Lago de Maracaibo
Devon Island
There is no capital city located at 59 degrees north latitude and 18 degrees east longitude in North America.