It is located 7° 30' Latitude North and 126° Longitude East
Davao City covers a total area of 2444sq. km, making it the biggest city in the entire Philippines.
The city at 49N latitude and 2E longitude is Paris, France.
The latitude of Naga City in the Philippines is approximately 13.6218° N, and the longitude is around 123.1945° E.
The latitude and longitude of the port city is 60 degrees north, 24 degrees east.
The latitude and longitude coordinates of Libreville, the capital city of Gabon, are approximately 0.4162° N, 9.4673° E.
The latitude and longitude of Godavarikhani, Telangana, India is approximately 18.81°N latitude and 79.48°E longitude.
The city at 49N latitude and 2E longitude is Paris, France.
The latitude of Naga City in the Philippines is approximately 13.6218° N, and the longitude is around 123.1945° E.
latitude is 29digree 22'n longitude is 47digree 58'e
aba nigeria has longitude of 5.1 and latitude of 7.35
The city with latitude and longitude as prime numbers is Honolulu, Hawaii. Its latitude is approximately 21.3° N, which is a prime number, and its longitude is approximately 157.8° W, which is also a prime number.
The latitude and longitude of the port city is 60 degrees north, 24 degrees east.
The latitude and longitude coordinates of Libreville, the capital city of Gabon, are approximately 0.4162° N, 9.4673° E.
The city at 52° north latitude and 0° longitude is London, the capital city of the United Kingdom.
The capital city of Kosovo is Pristina. Latitude: 42°40′N Longitude: 21°10′E
The latitude and longitude of Godavarikhani, Telangana, India is approximately 18.81°N latitude and 79.48°E longitude.
The city with the absolute location of 34 north latitude and 68 east longitude is Kabul. It is the capital city of Afghanistan.
The city with the absolute location of 34 north latitude and 68 east longitude is Kabul. It is the capital city of Afghanistan.