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The pistil is situated at a flower's center. It is a flower's female reproductive part that consists of the ovary at its base, style, and stigma. The role of the stigma, which is located at the top of the pistil, is to collect pollen. A pollen tube, which grows down through the style, connects the stigma to the ovary. The ovary contains ovules that are fertilized by the pollen.

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10y ago
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7y ago

The pistil is the collective term for the female reproductive structures in the flower - The Stigma, Style, Ovary and Ovule.

It is the part of the flower which receives pollen that comes from the stamen of (preferably) another flower; that pollen then is absorbed into the pistil and is used to fertilize the plant's ova, leading to a plant embryo that will usually become part of a seed, so it can grow into a new plant.

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9y ago

The main function of pistil is to produce seeds. A pistil has three parts, namely- stigma, style and ovary. The pollen grains land on stigma at the time of pollination. Style facilitates the passage of pollen tubes and ovary produces the ovules. After fertilization the ovule develops into a seed.

The main function of pistil is to produce seeds. A pistil has three parts, namely- stigma, style and ovary. The pollen grains land on stigma at the time of pollination. Style facilitates the passage of pollen tubes and ovary produces the ovules. After fertilization the ovule develops into a seed.

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9y ago

The main function of pistil is to produce seeds. A pistil has three parts, namely- stigma, style and ovary. The pollen grains land on stigma at the time of pollination. Style facilitates the passage of pollen tubes and ovary produces the ovules. After fertilization the ovule develops into a seed.

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12y ago

pistil have 4 major parts the style,ovary ang ovule

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13y ago

stucture composed of stigma,style and ovary which are the female parts which form the egg

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14y ago

the pistil is the female part of the flower. its job is to collect pollen

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10y ago

The pistil is the female part of the flower. The stamens produce pollen, and this pollen is used to fertilize the pistils. The pistils eventually turn into the fruit or seed pods.

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What are the essential parts of the flowers?

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Does lotus flower have pistil?

Yes, lotus flowers do have a pistil. The pistil is the female reproductive part of the flower, consisting of the stigma, style, and ovary.

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So that they are able to survive in harsh conditions. For example, mountains where it is windy, the pistil and stamen of flowers would be longer compared to the flowers on lower ground.

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Are there flowers without pistil?

Yes, there are flowers without pistils. E.g the flower of lemon however, most of flowers have pistils.

Can flowers with pistil but without stamen reproduce?

No, flowers with a pistil but no stamen cannot reproduce on their own. The stamen is needed to provide pollen for fertilization, which is essential for reproduction in flowering plants. If a flower lacks both stamen and pistil, it cannot produce seeds and ultimately reproduce.

Where does fertilization takes place in a flowering plant?

Fertilization takes place in the middle of the flower between the stamen and the pistil. Fertilization, called pollination, occurs when pollen is transferred between the stamen (male part) and pistil (female part). Most plant flowers have both a stamen and pistil but there are also plants with separate male flowers and female flowers and there are also male and female plants where all the flowers on one are male and all the flowers on the other are female.

What are plants reproductive organs?

In the case of the more commonly known plants, that would be flowers, and among flowers, the pistil and stamen.

How do flowers help flowers grow?

When one kind of flowers are blossoming , the bees will go to gather honey , so , other pistil will grow and bolosom as well .

Are flowers considered plants?

They aren't. If they dont have a pistil, a stamen, and petals, it's not a flower,

What grows down the pistil of a flower?

The pistil is the female part of the flower. When pollen is transfered from the stamen of the same flower or another flower of the same or similar type by wind, insects, or q-tips, a seed forms inside the pistil. Plant breeders actually remove the stamen from selected flowers and place pollen from other flowers ion or in the pistil with q-tips so the plant that grows from the seed will have the desired characteristics.