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'Na' is the atomic notation of sodium. Hope this helps :)

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It is usually of the form 23Na where the 23 appears as a superscript.

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8y ago

Example for the isotope sodium-23: 2311Na

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For example Na-23 or 2311Na.

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Q: What is the isotope notation for sodium?
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Sodium (Na) has 11 protons and 12 neutrons. What is its isotope notation?

The isotope notation for sodium with 11 protons and 12 neutrons would be 23/11 Na.

Sodium has 11 protons and 12 neutrons. What is its isotope notation?

The isotope notation for sodium with 11 protons and 12 neutrons would be Sodium-23, where the number 23 represents the sum of protons and neutrons in the nucleus.

What is sodium's isotope notation?

It is usually of the form 23Na where the 23 appears as a superscript.

What is isotope notation of sodium?

It is usually of the form 23Na where the 23 appears as a superscript.

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The symbol for a sodium isotope with 12 neutrons would be "Na-23". This notation indicates the element symbol "Na" for sodium and the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus (12 neutrons + 11 protons = atomic mass number 23).

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Sodium chloride is a compound, not an isotope.

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Sodium chloride is a compound made up of sodium and chlorine ions, not an isotope. Isotopes are variations of an element that have the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons. Sodium and chlorine have isotopes, but sodium chloride is a fixed compound.

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The appropriate symbol for an isotope of potassium-39 corresponding to the isotope notation A Z X is ^39_K19.

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The hyphen notation of the most common isotope of technetium, technetium-98, is 98Tc.

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The chemical notation for the element sodium is Na.

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An isotope of sodium with a mass number of 20 will have 11 protons because sodium always has 11 protons, regardless of the isotope.

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