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The instrument used for measuring the speed of winds is called an anemometer. It typically consists of cups that rotate in the wind, and the speed of rotation is used to calculate the wind speed.

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Q: What is the instrument used for measuring speed of winds called?
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Are an anemometer and wind vane global winds?

No. They are not winds at all, they are devices. A wind vane indicates wind direction and an anemometer measures wind speed. They only measure winds at a single point, so they are not measuring global winds.

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Narrow bands of high-speed winds are called jet streams. These fast-flowing air currents exist high in the Earth's atmosphere, typically near the tropopause, and can greatly influence weather patterns and air travel routes.

What are narrow bands of high speed winds called?

Narrow bands of high speed winds are called jet streams. These are fast flowing air currents found in the upper atmosphere, usually at altitudes between 9 and 16 kilometers. Jet streams play a key role in shaping weather patterns and can influence the movement of storms and aircraft.

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I think it is winds,speed, and altitude

What is the highest speed a hurricane can be?

The minimum wind speed for a storm to be called a hurricane is74 mph for sustained winds. The highest sustained winds on record were 190 mph. The highest gust on record was to 253 mph.

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The Jet Stream