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Hopefully the attitudes are truly scientific and not laced with political aims as is often the case. For instance grants are not obtained very easily when the scientist believes that he or she will show results out of the mainstream academic thinking. Or even government thinking. For instance they want to hear that the global warming that is occurring in the Northern Hemisphere is being cause primarily by humans enhancing the Carbon Dioxide.

Nevertheless a true scientist will observe and look into the data before a hypothesis/theory is ever even presented. Then the true scientist will seek the truth, and not what is popular or politically correct. They will not limit themselves to a narrow cause and event, but consider several options. For instance: I did a study on the arrival time of the sea breeze front affecting flights at Tuy Hoa Airbase in Vietnam. I could limit my study to the strength of the measures Southwest Monsoonal winds, but I found that stability and cloudiness was important too. All three parameters needed to be integrated.

So you see the importance of attitudes tend to push some scientists to a bias that shouldn't be there. But the true scientist seeks only the truth, which is out there.

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