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the prime meridian

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The imaginary line that connects the North Pole to the South Pole at the surface of the planet is called the Earth's axis. It is an imaginary line around which the Earth rotates.

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Q: What is the imaginary line that connects the north pole to the south pole at the surface of the planet?
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What is a planets axis?

A planet's axis is an imaginary line that runs through its center, connecting the North and South Poles. The tilt of this axis is responsible for the changing seasons on the planet as it orbits the sun.

What is the imaginary line around which a planet spins?

The imaginary line around which a planet spins is called its axis. It is an invisible line that runs from the planet's north pole to its south pole and determines the direction of rotation.

What are the imaginary lines that run from the North pole to the South pole along the surface of the planet?

The imaginary lines that run from the North Pole to the South Pole along the surface of the planet are called meridians of longitude. These lines help in determining locations on Earth's surface and are measured in degrees east or west of the Prime Meridian.

What is axis in planets?

In planets, the axis refers to an imaginary line that passes through the center of the planet from its north pole to its south pole. The tilt of this axis determines the planet's seasons and weather patterns. Changes in the planet's axial tilt can impact its climate and environment.

What a planet rotates on?

A planet rotates on its axis, an imaginary line that runs from its North Pole to its South Pole. This rotation determines the length of a day on the planet.

What is the imaginary line in the center going north to south?

It depends on which line you are talking about. It may be the International Date Line,or maybe you meant east to west, so then it would be equator. But for now, it wouldbe the lines of longitude.The imaginary straight line that connects the north pole and south pole directlywithout staying on the surface is the Earth's rotational axis.

What are meridian?

A Meridian or Meridian Line is an imaginary line drawn between two points. In geography these two points are an imaginary arc on the earths surface from the North to the South Poles. In astronomy it is an imaginary circle in a perpendicular plane to those planes of the celestial equator and horizon.

Which continent covers North Pole?

The North Pole is not on any continent. It is an imaginary point on the Earth's surface that can be reached by travelling over the Arctic Ice Sheet, which forms on the surface of the Arctic Ocean.

What does a planet rotates on?

A planet rotates on its axis, an imaginary line passing through its center. This rotation causes day and night as different parts of the planet are exposed to sunlight.

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How does planet move in their axis?

Planets rotate on their axis as they orbit around a star, such as the Sun. This rotation causes day and night cycles on the surface of the planet. The axis of rotation is an imaginary line that runs from the north to south poles of the planet.

A line where planet rotates?

The rotation of a planet occurs on an imaginary axis that extends from the planet's north pole to its south pole. This rotational motion on the axis causes the planet to spin, resulting in the cycle of day and night.