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The end of the experiment


The volcano erupted like a volcano really would.


We mixed the ingredients around and it erupted longer.


We added more soap and it foamed more.

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11y ago
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4mo ago

In conclusion, volcanoes are natural geological features that result from the movement of molten rock (magma) from Earth's mantle to the surface. They play a vital role in shaping the Earth's surface and can have both positive (fertile soil, geothermal energy) and negative (eruptions, ash clouds) impacts on the environment and human populations. Understanding their behavior and implementing appropriate mitigation strategies is crucial for managing the risks associated with volcanic activity.

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14y ago

i predict that if you like put in baking soda with vinegar, that the volcanoe will more than likely in my eyes blow over top.....get all bubbly .....and things ill get really messy!.....(But if you would like to make this an even funner experiment.....and need advice on ME

for more questions and answers just email me at...once agin BE ARAID TO ASK ANYTHING THAT MAY SOUND OFF BECAUSE YOU MAY NEVER KNOW IN THE END TE TRUTH!

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14y ago

The main problem in this is that it is way too over-used and simple. Thanks to many Cartoons everyone does a volcano, so a lot of people probably wouldn't like you to present one. Plus many science projects need to use the scientific method and thinking of good things to use for that would be difficult.

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7y ago

Your conclusion is what happened in YOUR experiment. You can't write the conclusion before you do the experiment. Make a hypothesis or guess, then do the experiment and write up your conclusion based on what actually happened.

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11y ago

I can predict that the baking soda will react with the vinegar and will produce a foaming effect

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15y ago

that volcanoe will erupt any time but yoyu will always find out when just in time

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11y ago

information about baking soda and vinegar volcano

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11y ago

i conclude that volcanoes are formed usually near the plate boundaries

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11y ago

Chemicals combinet

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Q: What is conclusion of volcano?
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