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The highest degree a person can earn in forensic science is typically a PhD in Forensic Science. This advanced degree allows individuals to conduct research, teach at the university level, and pursue high-level positions in forensic science organizations.

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Yes. People with degrees in the sciences have gone to law school. Generally patent attorneys were science majors.

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If you want to be in this field, many employers require you to have at least a bachelor's degree in forensic science or criminology. Some places may consider you if you have a degree in engineering or metallurgy.

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Forensic analysis is the use of science (forensics) to analyze physical evidence relating to past circumstances.

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Dr. Edmond Locard, a French forensic scientist, is credited with being the first person to apply the principles of forensic science to a working laboratory setting. Locard also established the world's first forensic laboratory in Lyon, France in 1910.

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Edmond Locard was the first person to apply principles of forensic science to a working crime laboratory. He applied what is called the Locard's exchange principle to a working crime laboratory.

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Forensic science as a formal discipline was established by Dr. Edmond Locard, a French scientist, in the early 20th century. He is often regarded as the "father of forensic science" for his pioneering work in the field.

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Who was the first person to apply the principles of forensic science to a working crime laboratory?

Dr. Edmond Locard, a French criminologist, was the first person to apply the principles of forensic science to a working crime laboratory. He established the world's first forensic laboratory in Lyon, France in 1910. Locard is known for his exchange principle, which states that every contact leaves a trace.

What college classes are needed to become a firearms specialist?

A Forensics Firearms Analyst is a person who has attained a bachelor's degree in Forensic Sciences or another physical science and has completed an internship in which they are trained to analyze evidence pertaining to firearms.

Why do police use forensic science?

The police don't use forensic science scientist that are part of the department do but to answer your question they use it so that they can clarify that their evidence is genuine and that it has some sort of connection to the suspect. or else they will arrest the wrong person :/

Can a person can get arrested in someone statement?

I hope not with forensic science and burden of proof (meaning actual weapon)! CVaron