Selaginella is a genus of plants commonly known as spike mosses. They are found in a variety of habitats, including tropical rainforests, temperate forests, and even deserts. Selaginella species are typically found in moist, shaded areas with high humidity, such as forest floors or rock crevices.
Selaginella bifida was created in 2009.
Yes, Selaginella have megaspores and microspores not seeds like the naked seeds of Conifers and Cycads and the Seeds of Angiosperms. Selaginella belong to the Clubmoss Group Lycopodiopsida see related link.
Examples of lycophytes include club mosses, spike mosses, and quillworts. These plants are small and typically have creeping or upright stems with small leaves. Lycophytes are considered some of the oldest vascular plants.
Habitat loss refers to the complete destruction of a habitat, habitat degradation is the deterioration in the quality of a habitat without total destruction, and habitat fragmentation is the breaking up of a continuous habitat into smaller disconnected patches.
Selaginella bifida was created in 2009.
Selaginella apoda was created in 1753.
Selaginella and Dryopteris .
Yes, Selaginella have megaspores and microspores not seeds like the naked seeds of Conifers and Cycads and the Seeds of Angiosperms. Selaginella belong to the Clubmoss Group Lycopodiopsida see related link.
Lycopodium is Isophyllous,Homosporous.It has monocious gametophyte and do not have rhizophores.But Selaginella is Dimorphism, heterosporous.It has dioecious gmetophyte and rhizophores
in Selaginella sp a strobilus contains both megaspores and microspore but in Licopoium sp they are in seperate strobili OWTCA-kln.Sl
Lycopodium has only one size of spores said to homosporous while Selaginella has both a microspore that grows into the male gametophyte and macrospores that produces female gametophytes. Selaginella has ligules at the base of each microphyl
Yes it is present in india.
no selaginella has megaspores and microspores
Lycopodium is a clubmoss which is homosporous
Ferns Mosses Liverworts Horsetails Lycopods Clubmosses Quillworts Selaginella Azolla Marsilea