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Since Newark CA is around 37.5° north latitude, which is 14° north of the Tropic of Cancer, the highest point the sun could possibly appear from Newark is 14° from straight up, which is 76° above the horizon.

You can verify this with the length of the shadow of a stick sticking straight out of the ground measured at solar noon on the summer solstice. If you make sure that the stick is perfectly plumb and that the surface on which the shadow will be cast is perfectly level, then the arctangent of the ratio of the length of the stick's shadow to the stick's height should be close to 14°. For Newark, which is close to 122° west longitude, solar noon would be 1:08 PM PDT.

Since the exact time of the solstice on June 20, 2012 is only three hours after solar noon where you are, the sun's zenith on that day will be slightly higher than on most summer solstices (not enough to notice unless you're taking precise measurements).

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4d ago

The greatest angle of elevation of the sun for Newark, CA on the first day of summer would be approximately 68.5 degrees. This occurs at solar noon when the sun is at its highest point in the sky.

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Q: What is the greatest angle of elevation of the sun for Newark ca on the first day of summer?
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How do you find the angle of elevation from the tip of the shadow of a 12 foot flag pole to the top of the pole is 60 degrees?

You can use trigonometry to find the angle of elevation. Let x be the distance from the tip of the shadow to the base of the pole and the height of the pole be y. Then, tan(60 degrees) = y/x. Given that the height of the pole is 12 feet, you can solve for x to find the angle of elevation.

What is the dofference between azimuth and elevation?

Azimuth refers to the horizontal angle or direction measured clockwise from true north to the point of interest. Elevation, on the other hand, refers to the vertical angle or height above a specific reference point, usually the horizon. In simpler terms, azimuth is the side-to-side angle, while elevation is the up-and-down angle.

The angle between the suns position in the sky and the horizon is what?

The angle between the sun's position in the sky and the horizon is called the altitude of the sun. It is the measurement from the horizon to the center of the sun's disk. This angle changes throughout the day as the sun moves across the sky.

What is the definition of elevation?

Elevation refers to the height above a certain point or surface, typically measured from sea level. It is commonly used to describe the vertical distance of a location, such as a mountain peak or a building, above a reference point.

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The solar elevation angle at the Arctic Circle on September 21 at noon would be 0 degrees. This is because the Arctic Circle experiences the autumnal equinox on September 21, when the sun is directly above the equator and does not rise above the horizon at the Arctic Circle.

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