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The gravity of the Sun is balanced by the outward pressure from nuclear fusion occurring in its core. This pressure pushes outward, counteracting the force of gravity pulling everything towards the Sun's center, maintaining the Sun's stable size and shape.

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Q: What is the gravity of the Sun balanced by?
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Which force keeps venus in orbit around the sun?

Like all other planets and other objects in the solar system, including you, Venus is kept in orbit by the Sun's gravity, which is exacty balanced by its acceleration towards the Sun, which appears as a continuous inward curve towards the Sun.

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No. Oxygen has nothing to do with how the sun works. The sun is powered by nuclear fusion of hydrogen in its core. The outward force of thermal pressure is balanced by the inward force of gravity.

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In the Sun, the forces of gravity pulling inward are balanced by the outward pressure from nuclear fusion reactions in the core. This equilibrium maintains the Sun's stable size and temperature.

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Earth remains in orbit around the Sun because the gravitational pull between the Earth and Sun is balanced by the centripetal reaction force, i.e. the angular acceleration, of the Earth's orbit.

Which best explains why the sun maintains its size and shape?

Pressure caused by high temperatures are balanced by gravity

How does the sun's gravity compare to earths gravity?

The sun gravity is stronger

Are gravity and pressure balanced or not balanced?

In the case of a star (that is not actually going nova or supernova) they are balanced.

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For any planet, or indeed, for any object that orbits any other object, the pull of gravity is balanced by the centrifugal force created by the speed of the orbit, so, the stronger the gravitational attraction, the faster the orbit. Mercury orbits the sun very rapidly.

How does the sun makes its own gravity?

Anything with mass has gravity. The sun's mass is enormous. Therefore the sun has strong gravity.

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The Earth is not a magnet that may attract a body to the ground. The force of gravity of the Earth is balanced by the force of gravity of the other planets and the Sun. So you can walk. ( Einstein's famous equation.)

How does the sun have gravity?

The sun has all the gravity to keep the planets a certain distance from the sun.