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Q: What is the graph of temperature rise since last ten years in torrid zone?
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What type of graph would best show the highest and lowest temperature for each of the last four years?

line graph

How is a line graph is used to decision?

Line graphs let us use data we have to predict what will happen in situations where we don't have the data yet. So we can create a line graph with the information we have. Then we look at a given point on the graph to tell us about some piece of data we wish to predict.For example, if we made a graph of temperature vs years. We might see how much it goes up each 100 years. We could then look at the year 2011 and predict the temperature.

Would the number of hurricanes in the US in the past ten years be a bar graph or a circle graph?

It'd probably be a line graph, but out of those two, I'd say bar graph.

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Since Mr. Crapper has been dead for several years, he is probably ground temperature.

Is it true that for the past 40 years the global temperature has been increasing?

Yes, significantly since the 1880's.

Where can you get a graph about giant pandas population from 1960 every 10 years and ending at 2010?

On google- type in "panda population graph from 1960 for every 10 years to 2010

How do you measure the hubble constant from a graph?

The Hubble constant can be measured from a graph by plotting the recession speed of galaxies as a function of their distance away from us. The slope of the graph represents the Hubble constant, which describes the rate of expansion of the universe. By fitting a line to the data points on the graph, the slope of the line can be used to determine the value of the Hubble constant.

What is the use of line graph?

The use of a line graph is to show changes over time [months,weeks,years,days,ect;]

What type of graph has the x-axis has evenly spaced years and the y-axis increases by multiples of ten?

That would be a line graph.

What do you think the graph would look like if factories and motor vehicles did not burn fossil fuel and produce carbon dioxide's?

Almost identical to what Vostok look like today. Man only produces about 3% of all CO2 and much of that from sources that would occur naturally in any event.To get a better idea of what CO2 graphs have looked like historically, check out the Vostok site. There you will see that CO2 has always followed temperature by about 800 years. The current warming cycle started about 10,200 years ago, so we would expect to see CO2 levels rise that past 9,600 years, just like they have.A:The look of the graph would depend on how long they had been using renewable energy (solar, wind, water, etc) but we would hope to see that the steady rising trend on the temperature graph was stopping and even beginning to come down. The earth's temperature has been rising steadily since we started burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) 250 years ago, and it has been rising even more rapidly since 1980. Carbon dioxide can remain in the atmosphere for close to 100 years, so we hope that these factories and cars have made the change to renewable energy long before.

What type of graph would be best to display growth over the last 5 years?

The best graph in my opinion would be a line graph . Line graphs are used in most buisness graphs .

Each peak on the graph represents a sunspot maximum In which years do these maxima occur?

The peaks on the graph represent sunspot maximums, which occur approximately every 11 years. The specific years of these maximums can vary, but recent examples include 2013, 2014, and 2015.