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The germ of a seed is the embryo or immature plant within the seed that has the potential to grow into a new plant. It contains the genetic material needed for growth and development.

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Q: What is the germ of a seed?
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Related questions

What does germ mean in germination?

In Latin germin means seed

What is a replacement for wheat germ?

I have successfully substituted ground flax meal for wheat germ in some baking recipes with great success. I thought the flavour and texture was much better.

Which deinition of germ deals with growing plants?

In the context of growing plants, a germ can refer to the part of a seed that begins to grow into a new plant, such as the embryonic plant enclosed within a seed coat. Germ can also be used to describe a small microorganism that causes plant diseases.

What is corn germ?

Corn germ is the embryo inside a corn kernel. Its the little solid part. It's essentially a seed.

How do you call the inside part of corn?

It depends on what you mean, the inside of the seed, inside of the cob? The inside the seed is called the germ. Or do you mean the corn on your big toe?

What is ovuel?

the ovule is a small body that contains the female germ cell of a plant; develops into a seed after fertilization.

Why do pollen grains have germ cells?

Pollen grains contain germ cells (sperm cells) that are essential for fertilizing the egg cell in the ovule of a flower, leading to seed production. The germ cells are the male gametes that are responsible for the sexual reproduction of plants.

What are the four common parts of a single seed of grain?

The four common parts of a single seed of grain are the embryo (or germ), endosperm, seed coat (or testa), and scutellum (cotyledon). These parts each play a role in the growth and development of the plant.

What is the synonym of the word embryo?

foetus, unborn child, fertilized egg, germ, beginning, source, root, seed, nucleus, rudiment

What does ogden Nash mean by a 'germ'?

In Ogden Nash's poem, a "germ" is a small idea or seed that grows and spreads, influencing people's thoughts and actions. It represents the power of an initial thought or concept to evolve and shape the world around us.

What is Germ line mutation to somatic mutation?

germ line muttations are muttations that are hereditable, meaning it is passed on to offspring, and must be in a reproductive cell, such as a human sperm cell. somatic muttations are muttations that are not hereditable. this occors in non reproductive cells, such as an apple seed. hope this helped

What is a synonym for germ?

Pathogen. microbe, virus, bug, bacterium, bacillus, micro-organism Another meaning: beginning, root, seed, origin, spark, embryo, rudiment