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Human activity associated with malabar coast

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6d ago

The Malabar Coast is formed due to the western coastal plains of India being sandwiched between the Western Ghats mountain range and the Arabian Sea. The heavy monsoon rains from the Arabian Sea contribute to the lush vegetation and tropical climate of the region.

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Which winds account for rainfall in malabar coast?

The southwest monsoon winds primarily bring rainfall to the Malabar Coast in India. These winds are laden with moisture from the Arabian Sea, leading to heavy rains in the region. Additionally, the northeast monsoon winds also contribute to rainfall during the months of October and November.

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Yes, Washington is divided into various geographical regions, such as the Pacific Coast, the Puget Sound Lowlands, the Cascade Range, and the Columbia Plateau. These regions have distinct characteristics in terms of terrain, climate, and vegetation.

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The Pacific coast of the US is less prone to hurricanes because the water temperatures along the coast are cooler compared to the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean, which are more conducive to hurricane formation. Additionally, the strong high-pressure systems in the Pacific often steer hurricanes away from the coast.

What type of rock is on the weymouth coast?

The rock found on the Weymouth coast is mainly limestone, specifically the Purbeck Formation. This type of rock is known for its light color and layers of fossilized marine life, including shells and corals, from the Jurassic period.

What geographical feature is the blue grotto?

The Blue Grotto is a sea cave located on the coast of the island of Capri in Italy. It is known for its vibrant blue and emerald waters due to the sunlight passing through an underwater cavity. The cave is a popular tourist attraction for its unique beauty.