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It may also be used to describe a physical process in which any solvent ... The cell membrane is selectively permeable, so only necessary materials are let ... Also, osmosis is responsible for the ability of plant roots to draw water from the soil.

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3d ago

The vacuole in a plant cell during osmosis helps regulate the water balance by storing or releasing water to maintain turgor pressure. It acts as a reservoir for water and ions, playing a key role in maintaining cell shape and structure.

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Q: What is the function of the vacuole in a plant cell during the process of osmosis?
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What does not occur during osmosis?

Well, considering osmosis is a very specific process for desalinating water, there are an infinite number of things that are not occuring during this process. For example, the big bang could not be occuring during osmosis because otherwise it would blow the entire universe apart, which clearly does no happen. One other example of something that does not occur during osmosis, is the combustion of water. In fact, it is nearly impossible for this to occur under any circumstances let alone during osmosis.

What is the function of vacuoles and vesicles in animal Cells?

vacuole's act as a sac's contain air unwanted substance's ,is unstained during staining process. vesicle are pumping channels for transpotation of cellular materials.

What process is an amoeba using when it engulfs a food particle?

The process an amoeba uses when it engulfs a food particle is called phagocytosis. During phagocytosis, the amoeba extends its pseudopods around the food particle, forming a food vacuole. Then, enzymes are secreted into the vacuole to digest the food. The digested nutrients are absorbed by the cell.

What material diffuses across the cell membrane during osmosis?

Water molecules diffuse across the cell membrane during osmosis. Osmosis is the movement of water from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration, across a semi-permeable membrane. This process helps maintain the balance of water inside and outside the cell.

How do water molecules move during osmosis?

Water molecules move from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration across a semipermeable membrane during osmosis. This movement is driven by the concentration gradient of water.

Related questions

What does not occur during osmosis?

Well, considering osmosis is a very specific process for desalinating water, there are an infinite number of things that are not occuring during this process. For example, the big bang could not be occuring during osmosis because otherwise it would blow the entire universe apart, which clearly does no happen. One other example of something that does not occur during osmosis, is the combustion of water. In fact, it is nearly impossible for this to occur under any circumstances let alone during osmosis.

What is the function of vacuoles and vesicles in animal Cells?

vacuole's act as a sac's contain air unwanted substance's ,is unstained during staining process. vesicle are pumping channels for transpotation of cellular materials.

What are process during desalination of sea water osmosis reverse osmosis use of sodium aluminium or none?

Generally distillation or evaporation/recrystallization are important methods.

How is osmosis important to farmers?

Osmosis is important to farmers because it plays a role in the uptake of water and nutrients by plant roots. It helps maintain proper hydration levels within plant cells, which is crucial for healthy growth and development. Understanding osmosis allows farmers to manage irrigation practices effectively to ensure optimal growth and productivity of their crops.

What is the conclusion in an egg osmosis lab?

In an egg osmosis lab, the conclusion typically summarizes the observations made during the experiment. It should discuss whether the egg gained or lost mass, explain the process of osmosis that occurred, and relate the results back to the concepts of osmosis and membrane permeability.

What process is an amoeba using when it engulfs a food particle?

The process an amoeba uses when it engulfs a food particle is called phagocytosis. During phagocytosis, the amoeba extends its pseudopods around the food particle, forming a food vacuole. Then, enzymes are secreted into the vacuole to digest the food. The digested nutrients are absorbed by the cell.

What material diffuses across the cell membrane during osmosis?

Water molecules diffuse across the cell membrane during osmosis. Osmosis is the movement of water from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration, across a semi-permeable membrane. This process helps maintain the balance of water inside and outside the cell.

How do water molecules move during osmosis?

Water molecules move from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration across a semipermeable membrane during osmosis. This movement is driven by the concentration gradient of water.

What happens during the process of osmosis?

Osmosis is the passive movement of water molecules across a selectively permeable membrane from an area of high water concentration to an area of low water concentration. This process helps in balancing the concentration of solutes on both sides of the membrane.

What will happen to the water in the capillary tube during the investigation of osmosis?

It will increase due to osmosis

Osmosis always involves the movement of what?

Osmosis always involves the movement of water. During osmosis water will move in and out of the cell or membrane.

What requires sugar osmosis?

The process of fermentation in baking or brewing requires sugar osmosis. Yeast cells use sugar as a food source, and during fermentation, they take up sugar molecules through osmosis to produce carbon dioxide and alcohol. This is essential to the rising of dough in baking and the production of alcohol in brewing.