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Q: What is the function of the tail of the perm cell?
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What is the function of tail sheath?

Tail sheath acts as a cell membrane to the sperm.

Is a sperm cell a specialised cell?

A sperm cell (gamete) is a specialised cell because it only performs one function: to fertilise an egg, and its structure relates to it's function. For example, the sperm cell's long tail helps it swim faster.

What is the function of the tail pins in the bacteriophages?

Tail pins in bacteriophages help the virus attach to the host bacterial cell by interacting with specific receptors on the cell surface. Once attached, the tail pins facilitate the injection of the viral genetic material into the host cell for replication.

Which structure is found on the outside of a cell and looks like a tail and what it's function?

It is a flagellum and is used for locomotion.

What is a tail like projection that protubes from the cell body and function locomotion?

You most likely are talking about, "Flagellum".

What is the role of the hydrocarbon tail in the structure and function of phospholipids?

The hydrocarbon tail in phospholipids provides the structure and flexibility to the molecule, allowing it to form the lipid bilayer of cell membranes. This tail is hydrophobic, repelling water and helping to create a barrier that controls the movement of substances in and out of the cell.

How does the structure of sperm cells relate to the function?

Its head can use to penetrate to egg cell and tail can use to move.

What is the function of the axial filament in the sperm cell?

The axial filament (or 'tail') helps propel the sperm through the seminal fluid.

What is the function of a axial filament in sperm cell?

It propels the cell forward, allowing it to move.

What is the function of each parts of the cell?

The sperm cell is very basic and has very little function. The flagella tail serves to move the sperm and contains a few mitocondria. The head stores all the genetic materials from the paternal side.

What are some cell organelles and its function?

well if it is an animal cell then neucleus/brain of the cell, cytoplasm/ cell fluid, vacuole/ storage, and sometimes a flagella/ a tail that help it move... sorry i cant think of any more

What is the function of birds tail?

the function of a tail is to lift its body and to increase the speed of flight